Tutorial by Examples: cm

Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework [xml]$XAMLWindow = ' <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Height="Auto" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeig...
The basic method to escape reserved words for SQL Server is the use of the square brackets ([ and ]). For example, Description and Name are reserved words; however, if there is an object using both as names, the syntax used is: SELECT [Description] FROM dbo.TableName WHERE [Name] = 'foo' T...
In most text editors, the standard shortcut for saving the current document is Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on macOS). Vim doesn't have this feature by default but this can be mapped to make things easier. Adding the following lines in .vimrc file will do the job. nnoremap <c-s> :w<CR> inoremap &...
It is possible to run windeployqt and macdeployqt from CMake, but first the path to the executables must be found: # Retrieve the absolute path to qmake and then use that path to find # the binaries get_target_property(_qmake_executable Qt5::qmake IMPORTED_LOCATION) get_filename_component(_qt_bi...
DBCC commands enable user to maintain space in database, clean caches, shrink databases and tables. Examples are: DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS Removes all clean buffers from the buffer pool, and columnstore objects from the columnstore object pool. DBCC FREEPROCCACHE -- or DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (0x06...
follow below step to add FCM in your swift Project 1- If you don't have an Xcode project yet, create one now. Create a Podfile if you don't have one: $ cd your-project directory $ pod init 2- Add the pods that you want to install. You can include a Pod in your Podfile like this: pod 'Fir...
Maya commands come in a very small range of forms. Recognizing the form that a command takes is useful for working with new commands. Simple commands The most basic form is simply <command>(<object>) where is the function you're calling and is the string name of an object you are ...
var memprofile = flag.String("memprofile", "", "write memory profile to `file`") func main() { flag.Parse() if *memprofile != "" { f, err := os.Create(*memprofile) if err != nil { log.Fatal("could not create mem...
To update a specific program: sudo pacman -S <programName> To update entire the system: sudo pacman -Syu
In order to search for packages in the databse, searching both in packages' names and descriptions: pacman -Ss string1 string2 ... To install a single package or list of packages (including dependencies), issue the following command: sudo pacman -S package_name1 package_name2 ... source
With Azure PowerShell you can get certain functionality currently unavailable on Azure Portal, like: Reconfigure all Traffic Manager's endpoints at once Address other services via Azure ResourceId instead of domain name, so you don't need to set Location manually for Azure Endpoints Prerequis...
A green rect with a round hole in the middle showing the image background underneth. <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <mask id="myMask"> <rect x="0&quot...
Campaign Monitor built a nifty tool that generates code for buttons in HTML email. It uses a cominbation os CSS and VML (for Microsoft Outlook) to display background images or patterns in most major email clients. <div><!--[if mso]> <v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft...
If we have a c++ project that uses a config.h configuration file with some custom paths or variables, we can generate it using CMake and a generic file config.h.in. The config.h.in can be part of a git repository, while the generated file config.h will never be added, as it is generated from the cu...
The series of events here is supposed to work as follows: Compile code with -pg option Link code with -pg option Run program Program generates gmon.out file Run gprof program To add profiling flags, you must add to your CMakeLists.txt: SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pg&quot...
bcadd vs float+float var_dump('10' + '-9.99'); // float(0.0099999999999998) var_dump(10 + -9.99); // float(0.0099999999999998) var_dump(10.00 + -9.99); // float(0.0099999999999998) var_dump(bcadd('10', '-9.99', 20)); // string(22) "0.01000000000000000000&q...
On 32-bit systems, integers greater than 0x7FFFFFFF cannot be stored primitively, while integers between 0x0000000080000000 and 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF can be stored primitively on 64-bit systems but not 32-bit systems (signed long long). However, since 64-bit systems and many other languages support sto...
CloudCannon offers hosting and a CMS for Jekyll applications. Here are the steps in hosting your Jekyll application on CloudCannon (http://cloudcannon.com). Without version control: Create your blog locally using some local files and jekyll serve Create a CloudCannon account and create a new si...
var scene = new THREE.Scene(); var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 50); camera.position.z = 25; var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer(); renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); document.body.appendChild(renderer.domElemen...
custom_module.info name = Custom Module description = Creates a block containing a custom output. core = 7.x custom_module.module /** * Initiates hook_block_info. * * Registers the block with Drupal. */ function custom_module_block_info() { $blocks = array(); //Registers the ...

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