Tutorial by Examples: config

In the file myConfig.groovy is the following content. message = 'Hello World!' aNumber=42 aBoolean=false aList=["apples", "grapes", "oranges"] Then in your main script you create a ConfigSlurper for your myConfig.groovy file which is really just another groovy sc...
If you haven't already lets simply start this file of with: class HelloWorldLeftAndMain extends LeftAndMain { } Configure The first thing you should do, is define the $url_segment that will be used to access the interface, and the title ($menu_title) that will appear in the side navigation m...
If we have a c++ project that uses a config.h configuration file with some custom paths or variables, we can generate it using CMake and a generic file config.h.in. The config.h.in can be part of a git repository, while the generated file config.h will never be added, as it is generated from the cu...
The phpunit.xml file is the default configuration file for tests and is already setup for testing with PHPUnit. The default testing environment APP_ENV is defined as testing with array being the cache driver CACHE_DRIVER. With this setup, no data (session/cache) will be retained while testing. T...
Eclipse does not give you the possibility to change the font size of the views like 'Project Explorer' or 'Servers', which looks ugly on Linux since Eclipse uses the default (desktop) font size. But you can edit specific configuration files to get the proper font sizes. To fix this annoying font si...
Once you have your UWP application ready for tests you should add test application to your solution. To do it "right" click on the solution and choose "Unit Test App (Universal Windows)": Once you add it to the solution there are few more steps required to configure it. You w...
Plugins can be configured by annotating fields with @Parameter. The MOJO is then injected with the configuration. @Mojo(name = "greet") public final class GreetMojo extends AbstractMojo { @Parameter(required = true) public String name; public void execute() throws Mojo...
When dealing with large configuration sets of value, it might become quite unhandy to load them one buy one. Option model which comes with asp.net offers a convenient way to map a section to a dotnet poco: For instance, one might hydrate StorageOptions directly from a configuration section b addin...
You can also source configuration from an in memory object such as a Dictionary<string,string> .AddInMemoryCollection(new Dictionary<string, string> { ["akey"] = "a value" }) This can reveal helpful in integration/unit testing scenarios.
In order to be able to directly deploy web project changes to an Web Server, the following steps must be followed. If target server has Internet access, the process is quite simple, as Microsoft has a Web Platform package to do almost everything that is needed. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Progra...
Fully configuration of Web deployment without Internet connection (offline) is harder to make because Web platform installer (UI) operates by querying packages list and content from an Internet location. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Program Files\IIS does not contain older version of Microsoft We...
Our openstack tenant is already set: a virtual lan gives instances private IP a virtual router map public IP to private IP a security key has been generated we have default firewall configuration for ssh and port 80 we are able to launch an instance thanks to the OpenStack web interface ...
GTM simplifies the whole process of managing tags.In GTM terminology We put a GTM javascript snippet on the concerned page,in portal_normal.vm in custom theme in liferay, containing the GTM id and a data layer structure(if needed) to map values from page to variables Corresponding to data layer ...
To configure robolectric add @Config annotation to test class or method. Run with custom Application class @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) @Config(application = MyApplication.class) public final class MyTest { } Set target SDK @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) @Config(sdk = Build...
An example of a configuration function in SQL is the @@SERVERNAME function. This function provides the name of the local server that's running SQL. SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server' ServerSQL064 In SQL, most data conversions occur implicitly, without any user intervention. To perform any convers...
When using the Oozie Proxy job submission API for submitting the Oozie Hive, Pig, and Sqoop actions. To pass any configuration to the action, is required to be in below format. For Hive action: oozie.hive.options.size : The number of options you'll be passing to Hive action. oozie.hive.options....
The following server-side configuration allows CORS request to work along with Windows Authentication (no anonymous must be enabled in IIS). web.config - allow unauthenticated (anonymous) preflight requests (OPTIONS) <system.web> <authentication mode="Windows" /> &l...
Inside of your {CATALINA_HOME}/conf/ folder exists a server.xml and context.xml file. Each one of these contains similar code, but references different parts of Tomcat to complete the same task. server.xml is server-wide configuration. This is where you can set up HTTPS, HTTP2, JNDI Resources, etc....
Create a build job (according to your requirement). For this example I have created a freestyle job (AutoPush) to perform ANT build. We are going to create two variables, PUSH (Choice Parameter) and TAG_NUMBER (String Parameter). We can choose the value YES or NO for PUSH, this will decide whether...

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