Tutorial by Examples: connect

Connecting two child processes via a pipe is performed by connecting each of two children to the parent via different ends of the same pipe. Usually, the parent will not be party to the conversation between the children, so it closes its copies of both pipe ends. int demo() { int pipefds[2]; ...
A simple multiwindow example using signals and slots. There is a MainWindow class that controls the Main Window view. A second window controlled by Website class. The two classes are connected so that when you click a button on the Website window something happens in the MainWindow (a text label i...
Some times you see a signal is emitted in sender thread but connected slot doesn't called (in other words it doesn't receive signal), you have asked about it and finaly got that the connection type Qt::DirectConnection would fix it, so the problem found and everything is ok. But generaly this is ba...
A very easy way to connect to an ORACLE database is by using oracledb module. This module handles the connection between your Node.js app and Oracle server. You can install it like any other module: npm install oracledb Now you have to create an ORACLE connection, which you can later query. co...
Use may now use the connExecute-Function for executing a query. You have the option to get the query result as an object or array. The result ist printed to console.log. function connExecute(err, connection) { if (err) { console.error(err.message); return; } sql = ...
This error is thrown when a process in your web dyno accepts a connection, but then closes the socket without writing anything to it. 2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H13 desc="Connection closed without response" method=GET path="/" host=myapp.herokuapp.co...
The dyno did not send a full response and was terminated due to 55 seconds of inactivity. For example, the response indicated a Content-Length of 50 bytes which were not sent in time. 2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H15 desc="Idle connection" method=GET path="...
Once your test application is ready you can connect it with code for which you want to write unit tests. Either you have you code in PCL, or in UWP app project (I assume that you applied MVVM pattern) just add reference to it in Test Application project: Now you have access to all your code from...
In order to be able to directly deploy web project changes to an Web Server, the following steps must be followed. If target server has Internet access, the process is quite simple, as Microsoft has a Web Platform package to do almost everything that is needed. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Progra...
import com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.SSLEngineFactory import com.couchbase.client.java.env.DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment import com.couchbase.client.java.CouchbaseCluster object CouchbaseConnection extends App { //Create default environment object. //Set the keystone file path(downlo...
Fully configuration of Web deployment without Internet connection (offline) is harder to make because Web platform installer (UI) operates by querying packages list and content from an Internet location. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Program Files\IIS does not contain older version of Microsoft We...
This method is to check data connection by ping certain IP or Domain name. public Boolean isDataConnected() { try { Process p1 = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ping -c 1"); int returnVal = p1.waitFor(); boolean reachable = (returnVal==0); ...
public static boolean isConnectedNetwork (Context context) { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo () != null && cm.getActiveNetworkInfo ().isConnectedOrConnecting (); ...
The connection between the widget and the scrollbar goes both ways. The scrollbar needs to be expanded vertically so that it has the same height as the widget. text = tk.Text(parent) text.pack(side="left") scroll_y = tk.Scrollbar(parent, orient="vertical", command=text.yview...
The connection between the provider of dependencies, @Module, and the classes requesting them through @Inject is made using @Component, which is an interface: import javax.inject.Singleton; import dagger.Component; @Singleton @Component(modules = {VehicleModule.class}) public interface Vehicl...
//This example gets the response from iTunes { "rest": { "name": "rest", "connector": "rest", "debug": true, "options": { "useQuerystring": true, "timeout": 10000, "headers": { "accepts": "application/json", "content-type": "applicati...
BFS can be used to find the connected components of an undirected graph. We can also find if the given graph is connected or not. Our subsequent discussion assumes we are dealing with undirected graphs.The definition of a connected graph is: A graph is connected if there is a path between every p...
This example demonstrate how to dynamically insert data into MySQL using Python Scrapy. You do not need to edit pipelines.py file for any project. This example can be used for all your project. Just yield you_data_dictionary from your Spider and inside pipelines.py a query will be created automat...
First of all you'll need to have a key pair. If you don't have one yet, take a look at the 'Generate public and private key topic'. Your key pair is composed by a private key (id_rsa) and a public key (id_rsa.pub). All you need to do is to copy the public key to the remote host and add its contents...

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