Tutorial by Examples: control

Laravel resource routing assigns the typical "CRUD" routes to a controller with a single line of code. For example, you may wish to create a controller that handles all HTTP requests for "photos" stored by your application. Using the make:controller Artisan command, we can quickl...
By default, TensorFlow pre-allocate the whole memory of the GPU card (which can causes CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY warning). To change this, it is possible to change the percentage of memory pre-allocated, using per_process_gpu_memory_fraction config option, A value between 0 and 1 that indicates wh...
In this example i will show how to formulate an rest controller to get and post data to the database using JPA with the most ease and least code. In this example we will refer to the data table named buyerRequirement . BuyingRequirement.java @Entity @Table(name = "BUYINGREQUIREMENTS&q...
The Xamarin Forms Entry control does not have a MaxLength property. To achieve this you can extend Entry as below, by adding a Bindable MaxLength property. Then you just need to subscribe to the TextChanged event on Entry and validate the length of the Text when this is called: class CustomEntry ...
@Controller @RequestMapping("/appointments") public class AppointmentsController { //your handlers here, for example: @RequestMapping(path = "/new", method = RequestMethod.GET) public AppointmentForm getNewForm() { return new AppointmentForm(); } @RequestMapping...
Let's create a new project, I'm choosing Single View Application for better demonstration Drag a page view controller to the storyboard, there are 2 things you should change after that: Set the page view controller as initial view controller Change the transition style to scroll ...
Code example : Now Start with Creating the Pagination Controller public with sharing class Pagination { } i am going to show all the contacts in the form of pagination and there should be one checkbox for each contact to selected or deselect contact to perform delete operation on contacts. ...
├───models │ ├───user.model.js ├───routes │ ├───user.route.js ├───services │ ├───user.service.js ├───controllers │ ├───user.controller.js For modular code structure the logic should be divided into these directories and files. Models - The schema definition of the Model Rou...
user.model.js var mongoose = require('mongoose') const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String }) const User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema) module.exports = User; user.routes.js var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); var UserController...
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? var firstTabNavigationController : UINavigationController! var secondTabNavigationControoller : UINavigationController! var thirdTabNavigationController : UINavigationController! var fourth...
Comparison of access controls of Java against Ruby: If method is declared private in Java, it can only be accessed by other methods within the same class. If a method is declared protected it can be accessed by other classes which exist within the same package as well as by subclasses of the class...
The model view controller is a very common design pattern that has been around for quite some time. This pattern focuses on reducing spaghetti code by separating classes into functional parts. Recently I have been experimenting with this design pattern in Unity and would like to lay out a basic exam...
This example shows how to to display specific property in dropdown but bind with the whole object. autocomplete-overview-example.html: <md-input-container> <input mdInput placeholder="State" [(ngModel)]="selection" [mdAutocomplete]="auto" [formCo...
This example requires FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule. Please import them in your application/module. import {FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule} from '@angular/forms'; autocomplete-overview-example.html: <md-input-container> <input mdInput placeholder="State" [mdAutocom...
There are benefits to switching the root view controller, although the transition options are limited to those supported by UIViewAnimationOptions, so depending on how you wish to transition between flows might mean you have to implement a custom transition - which can be cumbersome. You can show t...
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Api extends CI_Controller { //default value private $login_credential; function __construct() { parent::__construct(); //for user authentication $this->load->library('session'); ...
/***************************** @return all events ****************************/ public function getallevents(){ //get data from model $events = array( array('Event 1', '2015-04-03'), array('Event 2', '2015-04-03'), array('Event 3', '2015-06-16'), array('Event 4', '2015-0...

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