Tutorial by Examples: controller

We can create a service to set and get the data between the controllers and then inject that service in the controller function where we want to use it. Service : app.service('setGetData', function() { var data = ''; getData: function() { return data; }, setData: function(requestData)...
import WatchConnectivity var watchSession : WCSession? override func awake(withContext context: Any?) { super.awake(withContext: context) // Configure interface objects here. startWatchSession() } func startWatchSession(){ if(WCSession....
Let's say that you have the following class: public class PersonInfo { public int ID { get; set; } [Display(Name = "First Name")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter your first name!")] public string FirstName{ get; set; } [Display(Name = "L...
This example assumes that you have already added Fresco to your app (see this example): SimpleDraweeView img = new SimpleDraweeView(context); ImageRequest request = ImageRequestBuilder .newBuilderWithSource(Uri.parse("http://example.com/image.png")) .setProgressiveRende...
var indexController = myApp.controller("indexController", function ($scope) { // Application logic goes here });
UITabBarController building in Swift 3 Change image color and title according to selection with changing selected tab color. import UIKit class TabbarController: UITabBarController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() self.navigationController?.isNavigat...
GameScene code example: import SpriteKit protocol GameViewControllerDelegate: class { func callMethod(inputProperty:String) } class GameScene: SKScene { weak var gameViewControllerDelegate:GameViewControllerDelegate? override func didMove(to view: SKView) { gameViewContro...
[HttpPost] [Route("api/Fitbit/Activity/Stats")] public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ActivityStats(FitbitRequestDTO request) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.PatientId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.DeviceId)) ret...
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ActivityStats(FitbitRequestDTO request) { try { var tokenErrorResponse = await EnsureToken(request); if (tokenErrorResponse != null) return tokenErrorRespons...
The autocomplete UI control is a search dialog with built-in autocomplete functionality. As a user enters search terms, the control presents a list of predicted places to choose from. When the user makes a selection, a GMSPlace (Place in Xamarin) instance is returned, which your app can then use to ...
In order to expose Thymeleaf templates we need to define controllers. Example: @Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class MessageController { @Autowired private MessageRepository messageRepository; @GetMapping public ModelAndView index() { It...
Ext.define('App.Duck', { extend: 'Ext.Component', alias: 'widget.duck', initComponent: function () { this.callParent(arguments); this._quack(); }, _quack: function () { console.log('The duck says "Quack!"'); this.fireEvent('quack...
public function house() { $config['base_url'] = site_url().'/user/house/'; $config['total_rows'] = $this->houses->select_row_house_design(); $config['per_page'] = 12; $config['cur_tag_open'] = '<li><a><b>'; $config['cur_tag_close'] = '&...
it is very easy to write an angularJS controller with ES6 if your are familiarized with the Object Oriented Programming : class exampleContoller{ constructor(service1,service2,...serviceN){ let ctrl=this; ctrl.service1=service1; ctrl.se...
import UIKit class DoggyListViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource { @IBOutlet weak var emptyView: UIView? @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView? @IBOutlet weak var spinner: UIActivityIndicatorView? fileprivate let dogPresenter = DoggyPresenter(dogSe...
Assuming we have a working laravel application running in, say, "mylaravel.com",we want our application to show a "Hello World" message when we hit the URL http://mylaravel.com/helloworld . It involves the creation of two files (the view and the controller) and the modification o...
Controller Function Controller function is nothing but just a JavaScript constructor function. Hence, when a view loads the function context(this) is set to the controller object. Case 1 : this.constFunction = function() { ... } It is created in the controller object, not on $scope. views can ...
If you need to execute a repeating sequence of the same action with different parameters, use the ‘Parameterized Controller’ 3rd party plugin from JMeter-Plugins project. You need to install this plugin first by following installation procedure. Let’s assume that we want to parameterize the login ...
Storyboard: Initial viewController: an empty viewController with a button to present the GameViewController GameViewController: the typical GameViewController of the "Hello World" Sprite-kit template. Goal: I want to present the first viewController from my SKScene game with the corre...

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