Tutorial by Examples: copy

Imagine that we have a separate Google spreadsheet, and we need to get the B2 cell value to cell D5 on your current sheet. function copyValueandPaste() { var source = SpreadsheetApp.openById('spread sheet id is here'); //Separate spreadsheet book var sourcesheet = source.getSheetByName...
COPY is PostgreSQL's bulk-insert mechanism. It's a convenient way to transfer data between files and tables, but it's also far faster than INSERT when adding more than a few thousand rows at a time. Let's begin by creating sample data file. cat > samplet_data.csv 1,Yogesh 2,Raunak 3,Varun ...
Some Rust types implement the Copy trait. Types that are Copy can be moved without owning the value in question. This is because the contents of the value can simply be copied byte-for-byte in memory to produce a new, identical value. Most primitives in Rust (bool, usize, f64, etc.) are Copy. let x...
A shallow copy is a copy of a collection without performing a copy of its elements. >>> import copy >>> c = [[1,2]] >>> d = copy.copy(c) >>> c is d False >>> c[0] is d[0] True
If you have nested lists, it is desireable to clone the nested lists as well. This action is called deep copy. >>> import copy >>> c = [[1,2]] >>> d = copy.deepcopy(c) >>> c is d False >>> c[0] is d[0] False
You can create shallow copies of lists using slices. >>> l1 = [1,2,3] >>> l2 = l1[:] # Perform the shallow copy. >>> l2 [1,2,3] >>> l1 is l2 False
A dictionary object has the method copy. It performs a shallow copy of the dictionary. >>> d1 = {1:[]} >>> d2 = d1.copy() >>> d1 is d2 False >>> d1[1] is d2[1] True
Sets also have a copymethod. You can use this method to perform a shallow copy. >>> s1 = {()} >>> s2 = s1.copy() >>> s1 is s2 False >>> s2.add(3) >>> s1 {[]} >>> s2 {3,[]}
To Copy Data from a CSV file to a table COPY <tablename> FROM '<filename with path>'; To insert into table user from a file named user_data.csv placed inside /home/user/: COPY user FROM '/home/user/user_data.csv'; To Copy data from pipe separated file to table COPY user FROM '/h...
To Copy table to standard o/p COPY <tablename> TO STDOUT (DELIMITER '|'); To export table user to Standard ouput: COPY user TO STDOUT (DELIMITER '|'); To Copy table to file COPY user FROM '/home/user/user_data' WITH DELIMITER '|'; To Copy the output of SQL statement to file COPY (sql st...
The ngCopy directive specifies behavior to be run on a copy event. Prevent a user from copying data <p ng-copy="blockCopy($event)">This paragraph cannot be copied</p> In the controller $scope.blockCopy = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); console.log(&quo...
Set mark in cursor location: C-space or C-@ Kill region (Cut): C-w Copy region to kill ring: M-w or Esc-w Yank (Paste) most recently killed: C-y Yank (Paste) next last killed: M-y or Esc-y Kill killis the command used by Emacs for the deletion of ...
A lot of users find themselves in a situation where they just want to copy, move or delete a line quickly and return to where they were. Usually, if you'd want to move a line which contains the word lot below the current line you'd type something like: /lot<Esc>dd<C-o>p But to boost...
In this example we are going to create a directive to copy a text into the clipboard by clicking on an element copy-text.directive.ts import { Directive, Input, HostListener } from "@angular/core"; @Directive({ selector: '[text-copy]' }) export class TextCopyDir...
If you want to xcopy files with specific type to a new folder keeping the current folder structure you need only to do this xcopy [SourcePath]*.mp3 [DestinationPath] /sy
<ItemGroup> <DataToCopy Include="*.cs;*.aspx" /> </ItemGroup> <Copy SourceFiles="@(DataToCopy)" DestinationFolder="SourceCopiedFolder" />
In Vim, these operations are handled differently from what you might be used to in almost any other modern editor or word processor (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V). To understand, you need to know a little about registers and motions. Note: this section will not cover Visual Mode copying and cutting or ra...
Copy byte-per-byte of a file The following function copies a file into another by performing an exact byte-per-byte copy, ignoring the kind of content (which can be either lines of characters in some encoding or binary data): (defun byte-copy (infile outfile) (with-open-file (instream infile :d...
This sample uses a ToDataReader method described here Creating a Generic List DataReader for SqlBulkCopy. This can also be done using non-async methods. public class Widget { public int WidgetId {get;set;} public string Name {get;set;} public int Quantity {get;set;} } public as...
This sample uses a ToDataReader method described here Creating a Generic List DataReader for SqlBulkCopy. This can also be done using async methods. public class Widget { public int WidgetId {get;set;} public string Name {get;set;} public int Quantity {get;set;} } public void A...

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