Tutorial by Examples: dc

Q. Why we need compilation? Ans. We need compilation for achieving higher level of efficiency of our Angular applications. Take a look at the following example, // ... compile: function (el, scope) { var dirs = this._getElDirectives(el); var dir; var scopeCreated; dirs.forEach(functi...
MATLAB R2016b featured a generalization of its scalar expansion1,2 mechanism, to also support certain element-wise operations between arrays of different sizes, as long as their dimension are compatible. The operators that support implicit expansion are1: Element-wise arithmetic operators: +, -,...
The Combined Call method allows you to use multiple AlchemyLanguage functions in one request. This example uses a Combined Call to get entities and keywords from the IBM website and returns sentiment information for each result. This example requires AlchemyLanguage service credentials and Node.j...
The advantage of using Apache over the builtin werkzeug server is that Apache is multi-threaded, meaning that multiple connections to the application can be made simultaneously. This is especially useful in applications that make use of XmlHttpRequest (AJAX) on the front-end. /etc/apache2/sites-ava...
// main.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include <iostream> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char** argv) { Mat img = imread("lena30.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE...
(* The block comment syntax allows nested comments (* whether or not this is a good thing is probably a matter of personal opinion (*or coding standards*)*)*) val _ = print "Nested comment example\n" (* line ending block comment *)
This writeup walks though steps to configure Tomcat to request CAC certificates from the client. It is focused on setting up a development environment, so some features that should be considered for production are not here. (For example it shows using a self-signed certificate for https and it does...
// If you find yourself doing something like this... function fieldChanged(type, name, index) { if (name == 'salesrep') { var salesRepId = nlapiGetFieldValue('salesrep'); var salesRepEmail = nlapiLookupField('employee', salesRepId, 'email'); nlapiSetFieldValue('custb...
// Must enable the feature to use associated constants #![feature(associated_consts)] use std::mem; // Associated constants can be used to add constant attributes to types trait Foo { const ID: i32; } // All implementations of Foo must define associated constants // unless a defaul...
To show contents of an RDD, it have to be printed: myRDD.foreach(println) To limit number of rows printed: myRDD.take(num_of_rows).foreach(println)
When nothing matches a wildcard such as * in bash, it gets passed on as a literal * to the command, as if you had typed \*. However, zsh throws an error. Bash: duncan@K7DXS-Laptop-Arch:~/test$ echo *.txt *.txt duncan@K7DXS-Laptop-Arch:~/test$ touch abc.txt duncan@K7DXS-Laptop-Arch:~/test$ echo...
public class ManagedCamel implements Managed { public static final String REDIS_TEMPLATE = "redisTemplate"; public static final String LISTENER_CONTAINER = "listenerContainer"; public static final String REDIS_SERIALIZER = "redisSerializer"; privat...
Attributes can be useful for denoting metadata on enums. Getting the value of this can be slow, so it is important to cache results. private static Dictionary<object, object> attributeCache = new Dictionary<object, object>(); public static T GetAttribute<T, V>(this V va...
First import #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> into your ViewController class. Here is how I set my view in code UIView *view1=[[UIView alloc]init]; view1.backgroundColor=[UIColor colorWithRed:255/255.0 green:193/255.0 blue:72/255.0 alpha:1.0]; CGRect view1Frame = view1.frame; view1Frame....
Background: The Household entity includes a set of options, each of which is an entity that is managed in an admin backend. Each option has a boolean enabled flag. If a previously enabled option is set to disabled it will need to be persisted in later Household edits, but cannot be edited away. T...
Inside a Project configuration, you can Create build configuration: Manually Provide a Name and a Description. The Build Configuration ID is generated from the ProjectName, and the Build Configuration Name's. Once your configuraion is Saved, you can specify a Version Control Settings. This will ...
public static Boolean ExportDB(String DATABASE_NAME , String packageName , String folderName){ //DATABASE_NAME including ".db" at the end like "mayApp.db" String DBName = DATABASE_NAME.substring(0, DATABASE_NAME.length() - 3); File data = Environment.getDataDir...
First of all, Merged Cells are there only to improve the look of your sheets. So it is literally the last thing that you should do, once your sheet and workbook are totally functional! Where is the data in a Merged Range? When you merge a Range, you'll only display one block. The data will be ...
Make a new controller in the folder /Controllers/Account. Name the file MemberLoginSurfaceController.cs using MyCMS.Models.Account; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Security; namespace MyCMS.Controll...
Nesting controllers chains the $scope as well. Changing a $scope variable in the nested controller changes the same $scope variable in the parent controller. .controller('parentController', function ($scope) { $scope.parentVariable = "I'm the parent"; }); .controller('childContro...

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