Tutorial by Examples: del

Our UserProfile class Create a UserProfile model class with the relationship of OneToOne to the default User model: from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db.models.signals import post_save class UserProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneTo...
By default Sitecore adds all versions of the item to the sitecore_master_index. The drawback of that is that if users are using workflows and adding lots of versions all of them will be added to the search results in the content editor. Configuration: <event name="item:versionAdded" &...
Define your model(s): app/models/user.js (ECMA 6) import mongoose from 'mongoose'; const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, password: String }); const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema); export default User; app/model/user.js (ECMA 5.1) var mongoose = r...
By default, the urlRoot property is not defined. This urlRoot property is used by the url method to create a relative URL where the model's resource would be located on the server. var User = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: '/api/users', // or urlRoot: function () { return '/...
Model.url and Collection.url are only used internally by the default Backbone.sync method. The default method assumes you are tying into a RESTful API. If you are using a different endpoint design, you will want to override the sync method and may want utilize the url method. var Model = Backbone.M...
If the built in attributes are not sufficient to validate your model data, then you can place your validation logic in a class derived from ValidationAttribute. In this example only odd numbers are valid values for a model member. Custom Validation Attribute public class OddNumberAttribute : Valid...
Here's how to create an Express server and serve index.html by default (empty path /), and page1.html for /page1 path. Folder structure project root | server.js |____views | index.html | page1.html server.js var express = require('express'); var path = require('path')...
Each table view must have a delegate and a data source. Delegate Methods None of the delegate methods are actually required, however you'll need to implement tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: to handle touches on a table cell: And other methods are... // Display customization - (void)tableVi...
Select * from firm's_address; Select * from "firm's_address";
Say you have a table named table or you want to create a table with name which is also a keyword, You have to include the name table in pair of double quotes "table" Select * from table; Above query will fail with syntax error, where as below query will run fine. Select * from "tab...
package com.mcf7.spring.domain; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import javax.validation.constraints.Size; import java.io.Serializable;...
[MetadataType(typeof(RoleMetaData))] public partial class ROLE { } public class RoleMetaData { [Display(Name = "Role")] public string ROLE_DESCRIPTION { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Username")] public string ROLE_USERNAME { get; set; } } If you us...
Joins can also be used in a DELETE statement. Given a schema as follows: CREATE TABLE Users ( UserId int NOT NULL, AccountId int NOT NULL, RealName nvarchar(200) NOT NULL ) CREATE TABLE Preferences ( UserId int NOT NULL, SomeSetting bit NOT NULL ) We can delete rows...
class my_model(models.Model): _name = "my.model" name = fields.Char('Name') @api.multi def foo_manipulate_records_1(self): """ function returns list of tuples (id,name) """ return [(i.id,i.name) for i in self] @...
First step is create navigation interface which we will use on view model: public interface IViewNavigationService { void Initialize(INavigation navigation, SuperMapper navigationMapper); Task NavigateToAsync(object navigationSource, object parameter = null); Task GoBackAsync(); } ...
In this example I will go through the implementation of the perceptron model in C++ so that you can get a better idea of how it works. First things first it is a good practice to write down a simple algorithm of what we want to do. Algorithm: Make a the vector for the weights and initialize it ...
You can delete existing snapshots of database using DELETE DATABASE statement: DROP DATABASE Mydatabase_morning In this statement you should reference name of the database snapshot.
Is good practice to resist the temptation of doing the delete action in the get request. It would be a huge security error, it has to be done always in the post method. // GET: Student/Delete/5 public ActionResult Delete(int? id) { // it good practice to consider that things...
Since Qt 5.5 we have a new wonderful TreeView, a control we've all been waiting for. A TreeView implements a tree representation of items from a model. In general it looks like other QML views - ListView or TableView. But data structure of TreeView is more complex. A data in ListView or TableView...
Django Admin comes with some Models registerd by default. There a some occasions where you might want to remove a Model from the admin pages. This is done in the admin submodule. If your app wass created using manage.py startapp, the admin.py file should already lay in your app module. Otherwise cr...

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