Tutorial by Examples: dp

public class LoginActivity extends BaseAppCompatActivity { @BindView(R.id.tIETLoginEmail) EditText mEditEmail; @BindView(R.id.tIETLoginPassword) EditText mEditPassword; @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); FirebaseUser firebaseUs...
Format strings may contain named placeholders that are interpolated using keyword arguments to format. Using a dictionary (Python 2.x) >>> data = {'first': 'Hodor', 'last': 'Hodor!'} >>> '{first} {last}'.format(**data) 'Hodor Hodor!' Using a dictionary (Python 3.2+) >&gt...
$ cat ip.txt address range substitution pattern sample Add Sub Mul Div Line number to line matching pattern $ sed -n '2,/pat/p' ip.txt range substitution pattern Line matching pattern to line number $ sed '/pat/,$d' ip.txt address range substitution GNU sed ...
Some ADO.NET providers (most notably: OleDB) do not support named parameters; parameters are instead specified only by position, with the ? place-holder. Dapper would not know what member to use for these, so dapper allows an alternative syntax, ?foo?; this would be the same as @foo or :foo in other...
There are two ways to register a background page in the extension manifest. The scripts property In the common case, a background page doesn't require any HTML markup. We can register these kinds of background pages using the scripts property. In this case, a background page will be generated...
Assume we want to create a data type Person, which has a first and last name, an age, a phone number, a street, a zip code and a town. We could write data Person = Person String String Int Int String String String If we want now to get the phone number, we need to make a function getPhone :: P...
Sometimes you may want to output something by one program and input it into another program, but can't use a standard pipe. ls -l | grep ".log" You could simply write to a temporary file: touch tempFile.txt ls -l > tempFile.txt grep ".log" < tempFile.txt This work...
All integers or pointers can be used in an expression that is interpreted as "truth value". int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc % 4) { puts("arguments number is not divisible by 4"); } else { puts("argument number is divisible by 4"); } ... ...
All parameters specified after the first asterisk in the function signature are keyword-only. def f(*a, b): pass f(1, 2, 3) # TypeError: f() missing 1 required keyword-only argument: 'b' In Python 3 it's possible to put a single asterisk in the function signature to ensure that the rema...
If you just want to get data, but not modify anything, you can turn off change tracking and proxy creation. This will improve your performance and also prevent lazy loading. Bad Example: using(var context = new Context()) { return await context.Set<MyEntity>().ToListAsync().ConfigureAw...
Mapping URLs to specific templates To fully grasp WordPress themes, you must understand two primary concepts: Permalinks The Template Hierarchy A permalink is a permanent, non-changing URL (or link, to a specific resource. For instance: example.com/about-us/ (a Page in WP) example.com/se...
eof returns true only after reading the end of file. It does NOT indicate that the next read will be the end of stream. while (!f.eof()) { // Everything is OK f >> buffer; // What if *only* now the eof / fail bit is set? /* Use `buffer` */ } You could correctly write: ...
The canvas can be used to display video from a variety of sources. This example shows how to load a video as a file resource, display it and add a simple click on screen play/pause toggle. This stackoverflow self answered question How do I display a video using HTML5 canvas tag shows the following ...
PMF FOR THE BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION Suppose that a fair die is rolled 10 times. What is the probability of throwing exactly two sixes? You can answer the question using the dbinom function: > dbinom(2, 10, 1/6) [1] 0.29071 PMF FOR THE POISSON DISTRIBUTION The number of sandwhich ordered in ...
When you also want to expose metadata without a config file you can build on the example programmatically creating a ServiceHost: public ConsoleHost() { mHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(Example), new Uri("http://localhost:8000/Example"), new Uri("net.tcp://9000/Example")); ...
Here we have a simple class to be tested that returns a Promise based on the results of an external ResponseProcessor that takes time to execute. For simplicty we'll assume that the processResponse method won't ever fail. import {processResponse} from '../utils/response_processor'; const ping =...
Julia provides macros to simplify distributing computation across multiple machines or workers. For instance, the following computes the sum of some number of squares, possibly in parallel. function sumofsquares(A) @parallel (+) for i in A i ^ 2 end end Usage: julia> sumo...
There are two possible ways to pass a value type by reference: ref and out. The difference is that by passing it with ref the value must be initialized but not when passing it with out. Using out ensures that the variable has a value after the method call: public void ByRef(ref int value) { C...
Error handling is important but can make an elegant algorithm into a mess. Railway Oriented Programming (ROP) is used to make error handling elegant and composable. Consider the simple function f: let tryParse s = let b, v = System.Int32.TryParse s if b then Some v else None let f (g : ...
attr() gets/sets the HTML attribute using the DOM functions getAttribute() and setAttribute(). prop() works by setting the DOM property without changing the attribute. In many cases the two are interchangeable, but occasionally one is needed over the other. To set a checkbox as checked: $('#tosAcc...

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