Tutorial by Examples: ear

XML <Galaxy> <Light>sun</Light> <Device>satellite</Device> <Sensor>human</Sensor> <Name>Milky Way</Name> </Galaxy> XPATH /Galaxy/*[lower-case(local-name())="light"] or //*[lower-case(local-name())=&qu...
One of the most useful queries for end users of large RDBMS's is a search of an information schema. Such a query allows users to rapidly find database tables containing columns of interest, such as when attempting to relate data from 2 tables indirectly through a third table, without existing knowl...
C99 Type Declaration A structure with at least one member may additionally contain a single array member of unspecified length at the end of the structure. This is called a flexible array member: struct ex1 { size_t foo; int flex[]; }; struct ex2_header { int foo; char...
Binding is the process of assigning an object to an identifier or variable name. Early binding (also known as static binding) is when an object declared in Excel is of a specific object type, such as a Worksheet or Workbook. Late binding occurs when general object associations are made, such as the ...
NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY -- This time tomorrow CURDATE() - INTERVAL 4 DAY -- Midnight 4 mornings ago Show the mysql questions stored that were asked 3 to 10 hours ago (180 to 600 minutes ago): SELECT qId,askDate,minuteDiff FROM ( SELECT qId,askDate, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,askDate,no...
process.argv is an array containing the command line arguments. The first element will be node, the second element will be the name of the JavaScript file. The next elements will be any additional command line arguments. Code Example: Output sum of all command line arguments index.js var sum = 0...
You can test whether a point is inside a rectangle using Rectangle.containsPoint(): var point:Point = new Point(5, 5); var rectangle:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 10); var contains:Boolean = rectangle.containsPoint(point); // true
This script, from here and here, will return all Tables and Columns where a specified value exists. This is powerful in finding out where a certain value is in a database. It can be taxing, so it is suggested that it be executed in a backup / test enviroment first. DECLARE @SearchStr nvarchar(100) ...
Vim's standard search commands are / for forward search and ? for backward search. To start a search from normal mode: press /, type your pattern, press <CR> to perform the search. Examples: /foobar<CR> search forward for foobar ?foo\/bar<CR> search backward for ...
In normal mode, move the cursor to any word then press * to search forwards for the next occurrence of the word under the cursor, or press # to search backwards. * or # search for the exact word under the cursor: searching for big would only find big and not bigger. Under the hood, Vim uses a sim...
Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000 public means the response is the same for all users (it does not contain any personalized information). max-age is in seconds from now. 31536000 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365. This is recommended for static assets that are never meant to change.
The clear property is directly related to floats. Property Values: none - Default. Allows floating elements on both sides left - No floating elements allowed on the left side right - No floating elements allowed on the right side both - No floating elements allowed on either the left or the r...
<svg> <defs> <linearGradient id='g' y1="100%" x2="100%"> <stop offset='0%' stop-color='yellow' /> <stop offset='100%' stop-color='green' /> </linearGradient> </defs> <rect width=...
$ mkdir 20{09..11}-{01..12} Entering the ls command will show that the following directories were created: 2009-01 2009-04 2009-07 2009-10 2010-01 2010-04 2010-07 2010-10 2011-01 2011-04 2011-07 2011-10 2009-02 2009-05 2009-08 2009-11 2010-02 2010-05 2010-08 2010-11 2011-02 2011-05 2011-08 2011...
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section Awareness.SnapshotApi.getPlaces(client) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PlacesResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull PlacesResult placesResult) { List<PlaceLike...
The commands below execute :command on every line from the first matching from to the first matching to: :/from/,/to/command " from next 'from' to next 'to' :?from?,/to/command " from previous 'from' to next 'to' :?from?,?to?command " from previous 'from' to previous 'to' ...
Find usages / Find usages in file Windows / Linux: Alt + F7 / Ctrl + F7 OS X / macOS: Option + F7 / Ctrl + F7 Highlight usages in file Windows / Linux: Ctrl + Shift + F7 OS X / macOS: Cmd + Shift + F7 Show usages Windows / Linux: Ctrl + Alt + F7 OS X / macOS: Cmd + Option + F7
Elasticsearch uses a YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) configuration file that can be found inside the default Elasticsearch directory (RPM and DEB installs change this location amongst other things). You can set basic settings in config/elasticsearch.yml: # Change the cluster name. All nodes in ...
To customize appearance of all instances of a class, access appearance proxy of the desired class. For example: Set UIButton tint color Swift: UIButton.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.greenColor() Objective-C: [UIButton appearance].tintColor = [UIColor greenColor]; Set UIButton background...
Use appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses: to customize the appearance for instance of a class when contained within an instance of container class. For example customization of UILabel's textColor and backgroundColor within ViewController class will look like this: Set UILabel text color Sw...

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