Tutorial by Examples: ee

Will select records in TableName that have records matching in TableName1. SELECT * FROM TableName t WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM TableName1 t1 where t.Id = t1.Id)
The CSS multi-column layout makes it easy to create multiple columns of text. Code <div id="multi-columns">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation...
Often you need to change the way a set of data is structured and manipulate certain values. In the example below we got a collection of books with an attached discount amount. But we much rather have a list of books with a price that's already discounted. $books = [ ['title' => 'The Pragma...
XML <Galaxy> <name>Milky Way</name> <CelestialObject name="Earth" type="planet"/> <CelestialObject name="Sun" type="star"/> </Galaxy> XPATH /Galaxy/*[ends-with(lower-case(@type),'tar')] or //*[ends-w...
The proof tree (also search tree or derivation tree) is a tree that shows the execution of a Prolog program. This tree helps visualise the chronological backtracking process present in Prolog. The root of the tree represents the initial query and branches are created when choice points occur. Every ...
ListView - A core component designed for efficient display of vertically scrolling lists of changing data. The minimal API is to create a ListView.DataSource, populate it with a simple array of data blobs, and instantiate a ListView component with that data source and a renderRow callback which take...
UPDATE person SET state = 'NY' WHERE city = 'New York';
A cancelable event can be raised by a class when it is about to perform an action that can be canceled, such as the FormClosing event of a Form. To create such event: Create a new event arg deriving from CancelEventArgs and add additional properties for event data. Create an event using EventH...
The previous example is good enough when we need to bind a single html element, to a single variable. In reality - we need to bind many elements to many variables: <span ng-repeat="number in [1,2,3,4,5]">{{number}}</span> This ng-repeat binds 5 elements to 5 variables call...
Be careful, this approach might be considered as a bad design for angular apps, since it requires programmers to remember both where functions are placed in the scope tree, and to be aware of scope inheritance. In many cases it would be preferred to inject a service (Angular practice - using scope ...
Double quoteSingle quoteAllows variable expansionPrevents variable expansionAllows history expansion if enabledPrevents history expansionAllows command substitutionPrevents command substitution* and @ can have special meaning* and @ are always literalsCan contain both single quote or double quoteSin...
A way to use confirm() is when some UI action does some destructive changes to the page and is better accompanied by a notification and a user confirmation - like i.e. before deleting a post message: <div id="post-102"> <p>I like Confirm modals.</p> <a data-dele...
Install cx_Freeze from here Unzip the folder and run these commands from that directory: python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install Create a new directory for your python script and create a "setup.py" file in the same directory with the following content: application_title ...
Using vanilla mathematics: var from:Point = new Point(100, 50); var to:Point = new Point(80, 95); var angle:Number = Math.atan2(to.y - from.y, to.x - from.x); Using a new vector representing the difference between the first two: var difference:Point = to.subtract(from); var angle:Number ...
Using vanilla mathematics: var from:Point = new Point(300, 10); var to:Point = new Point(75, 40); var a:Number = to.x - from.x; var b:Number = to.y - from.y; var distance:Number = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); Using inbuilt functionality of Point: var distance:Number = to.subtract(from).len...
var degrees:Number = radians * 180 / Math.PI;
var radians:Number = degrees / 180 * Math.PI;
A whole circle is 360 degrees or Math.PI * 2 radians. Half of those values follows to be 180 degrees or Math.PI radians. A quarter is then 90 degrees or Math.PI / 2 radians. To get a segment as a percentage of a whole circle in radians: function getSegment(percent:Number):Number { retur...
A slider control uses draggable handles to select numeric values. Below is an example of a basic slider initialization: <script> $(function() { $( "#slider" ).slider(); }); </script> <div id="slider"></div>
The slider provides an event called slide that will trigger whenever the mouse moves during a slider handle drag. This function holds a reference to the slide event and a reference to the slider ui object. The ui object holds a jQuery object for the handle being moved and the value(s) of the slide...

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