Tutorial by Examples: ami

Classes can be created dynamically through the use of Class.new. # create a new class dynamically MyClass = Class.new # instantiate an object of type MyClass my_class = MyClass.new In the above example, a new class is created and assigned to the constant MyClass. This class can be instanti...
static class Program { static void Main() { dynamic dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject(); string awesomeString = "Awesome"; // Prints True Console.WriteLine(awesomeString.IsThisAwesome()); dynamicObject.StringValue = awesomeStrin...
It is possible to create a function that accepts objects that implement a specific trait. Static Dispatch fn generic_speak<T: Speak>(speaker: &T) { println!("{0}", speaker.speak()); } fn main() { let person = Person {}; let dog = Dog {}; generic_speak(...
Destructuring allows us to refer to one key in an object, but declare it as a variable with a different name. The syntax looks like the key-value syntax for a normal JavaScript object. let user = { name: 'John Smith', id: 10, email: '[email protected]', }; let {user: userName, id: us...
When creating a recyclerview with a gridlayout layout manager you have to specify the span count in the constructor. Span count refers to the number of columns. This is fairly clunky and doesn't take into account larger screen sizes or screen orientation. One approach is to create multiple layouts f...
There is also an option to dynamically request components. You can do it using the $injector service: myModule.controller('myController', ['$injector', function($injector) { var myService = $injector.get('myService'); }]); Note: while this method could be used to prevent the circular depen...
This example demonstrates that HTTP is a text-based Internet communications protocol, and shows a basic HTTP request and the corresponding HTTP response. You can use Telnet to manually send a minimal HTTP request from the command line, as follows. Start a Telnet session to the web server www.e...
Descriptive names and structure in your code help make comments unnecessary Dim ductWidth As Double Dim ductHeight As Double Dim ductArea As Double ductArea = ductWidth * ductHeight is better than Dim a, w, h a = w * h This is especially helpful when you are copying data from one ...
The dynamic keyword is used with dynamically typed objects. Objects declared as dynamic forego compile-time static checks, and are instead evaluated at runtime. using System; using System.Dynamic; dynamic info = new ExpandoObject(); info.Id = 123; info.Another = 456; Console.WriteLine(info...
Pass dynamic inventory to ansible-playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory/dyn.py -l targethost my_playbook.yml python inventory/dyn.py should print out something like this: { "_meta": { "hostvars": { "": { "ansible_user": ...
A common use case for wanting to calculate the frame a label will take up is for sizing table view cells appropriately. The recommended way of doing this is using the NSString method boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:context:. options takes String drawing options: NSStringDrawingUsesLineFr...
Generally, dialog relies on a div within the HTML. Sometimes you may want to create a dialog from scratch, programmatically. Here is an example of a complex modal dialog created dynamically with interactive functions. HTML <div id="users-contain" class="ui-widget"> &lt...
Dynamic binding, also referred as method overriding is an example of run time polymorphism that occurs when multiple classes contain different implementations of the same method, but the object that the method will be called on is unknown until run time. This is useful if a certain condition dicta...
Analog to get a collection for a Stream by collect() an array can be obtained by the Stream.toArray() method: List<String> fruits = Arrays.asList("apple", "banana", "pear", "kiwi", "orange"); String[] filteredFruits = fruits.stream() ....
A basic custom element is created in Aurelia based on naming conventions, by simply adding the suffix CustomElement to the name of a class. This suffix will automatically be stripped out by Aurelia. The remaining part of the class name will be lowercased and separated using a hyphen and can then be ...
To create a mixin use the @mixin directive. @mixin default-box ($color, $borderColor) { color: $color; border: 1px solid $borderColor; clear: both; display: block; margin: 5px 0; padding: 5px 10px; } You can specify a list of arguments inside a parenthesis followin...
From your Mac, download and install Xcode from the Mac App Store following this link. After the installation is complete, open Xcode and select Get started with a Playground: On the next panel, you can give your Playground a name or you can leave it MyPlayground and press Next: Select a locat...
ansible-playbook -i path/to/dynamic-inventory-script.py -l myhost myplaybook.yml See dynamic inventory for more details.
In order to record audio from a user's microphone, we must first gain permission from the user to access the device: navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }) .then(successCallback) .catch(failureCallback); On success, our successCallback will be called with a MediaStream ob...
Dynamic scoping means that variable lookups occur in the scope where a function is called, not where it is defined. $ x=3 $ func1 () { echo "in func1: $x"; } $ func2 () { local x=9; func1; } $ func2 in func1: 9 $ func1 in func1: 3 In a lexically scoped language, func1 would alway...

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