Tutorial by Examples: arguments

A method can declare any number of parameters (in this example, i, s and o are the parameters): static void DoSomething(int i, string s, object o) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("i={0}, s={1}, o={2}", i, s, o)); } Parameters can be used to pass values into a method, so that th...
An iterator method is not executed until the return value is enumerated. It's therefore advantageous to assert preconditions outside of the iterator. public static IEnumerable<int> Count(int start, int count) { // The exception will throw when the method is called, not when the result i...
A decorator takes just one argument: the function to be decorated. There is no way to pass other arguments. But additional arguments are often desired. The trick is then to make a function which takes arbitrary arguments and returns a decorator. Decorator functions def decoratorfactory(message): ...
Arguments are defined in parentheses after the function name: def divide(dividend, divisor): # The names of the function and its arguments # The arguments are available by name in the body of the function print(dividend / divisor) The function name and its list of arguments are called...
Optional arguments can be defined by assigning (using =) a default value to the argument-name: def make(action='nothing'): return action Calling this function is possible in 3 different ways: make("fun") # Out: fun make(action="sleep") # Out: sleep # The argumen...
One can give a function as many arguments as one wants, the only fixed rules are that each argument name must be unique and that optional arguments must be after the not-optional ones: def func(value1, value2, optionalvalue=10): return '{0} {1} {2}'.format(value1, value2, optionalvalue1) Wh...
Arbitrary number of positional arguments: Defining a function capable of taking an arbitrary number of arguments can be done by prefixing one of the arguments with a * def func(*args): # args will be a tuple containing all values that are passed in for i in args: print(i) fun...
There is a problem when using optional arguments with a mutable default type (described in Defining a function with optional arguments), which can potentially lead to unexpected behaviour. Explanation This problem arises because a function's default arguments are initialised once, at the point whe...
5.1 When you take a reference to a method (a property which is a function) in JavaScript, it usually doesn't remember the object it was originally attached to. If the method needs to refer to that object as this it won't be able to, and calling it will probably cause a crash. You can use the .bind...
Supplying pow() with 3 arguments pow(a, b, c) evaluates the modular exponentiation ab mod c: pow(3, 4, 17) # 13 # equivalent unoptimized expression: 3 ** 4 % 17 # 13 # steps: 3 ** 4 # 81 81 % 17 # 13 For built-in types using modular exponentiation is only possible...
Pull properties from an object passed into a function. This pattern simulates named parameters instead of relying on argument position. let user = { name: 'Jill', age: 33, profession: 'Pilot' } function greeting ({name, profession}) { console.log(`Hello, ${name} the ${pr...
Constructors can be created with any kinds of arguments. public class TestClass { private String testData; public TestClass(String testData) { this.testData = testData; } } Called like this: TestClass testClass = new TestClass("Test Data"); A class can ...
In helloJohn.sh: #!/bin/bash greet() { local name="$1" echo "Hello, $name" } greet "John Doe" # running above script $ bash helloJohn.sh Hello, John Doe If you don't modify the argument in any way, there is no need to copy it to a local variabl...
Functions can take inputs in form of variables that can be used and assigned inside their own scope. The following function takes two numeric values and returns their sum: function addition (argument1, argument2){ return argument1 + argument2; } console.log(addition(2, 3)); // -> 5 ...
If a selection on multiple arguments for a type generic expression is wanted, and all types in question are arithmetic types, an easy way to avoid nested _Generic expressions is to use addition of the parameters in the controlling expression: int max_int(int, int); unsigned max_unsigned(unsigned, ...
Variadic Arguments
After receiving the arguments, you can print them as follows: int main(int argc, char **argv) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { printf("Argument %d: [%s]\n", i, argv[i]); } } Notes The argv parameter can be also defined as char *argv[]. argv[0] may co...
Putting a & (ampersand) in front of an argument will pass it as the method's block. Objects will be converted to a Proc using the to_proc method. class Greeter def to_proc Proc.new do |item| puts "Hello, #{item}" end end end greet = Greeter.new %w(world l...
The following code will print the arguments to the program, and the code will attempt to convert each argument into a number (to a long): #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { for (int ...
If you want two or more arguments to be mutually exclusive. You can use the function argparse.ArgumentParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(). In the example below, either foo or bar can exist but not both at the same time. import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() group = parser.add_mut...

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