Tutorial by Examples: auto

Cask is a project management tool which can be also used to easily manage your local emacs configuration. Installing cask is easy. You can either run the following command on the command-line: curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cask/cask/master/go | python Or if you are on a mac, you...
Without Auto Layout, animation is accomplished changing a view's frame over time. With Auto Layout, the constraints dictate the view frame, so you have to animate the constraints instead. This indirection makes animation harder to visualize. Here are the ways to animate with Auto Layout: Change ...
Inheritance the a fundamental mechanism of CSS by which the computed values of some properties of an element are applied to its' children. This is particularly useful when you want to set a global style to your elements rather than having to set said properties to each and every element in your mark...
This storage class denotes that an identifier has automatic storage duration. This means once the scope in which the identifier was defined ends, the object denoted by the identifier is no longer valid. Since all objects, not living in global scope or being declared static, have automatic storage d...
Imagine you are on the master branch and something is not working as expected (a regression was introduced), but you don't know where. All you know is, that is was working in the last release (which was e.g., tagged or you know the commit hash, lets take old-rel here). Git has help for you, finding...
Simple steps to use scrollview with autolayout. Create a new project with single view application Select the default viewcontroller and change its screen size to iPhone-4inch from attributes inspector. Add a scrollview to your viewcontroller's view as follows and set background color to blue ...
select '123' * 2; To make the multiplication with 2 MySQL automatically converts the string 123 into a number. Return value: 246 The conversion to a number starts from left to right. If the conversion is not possible the result is 0 select '123ABC' * 2 Return value: 246 select 'A...
This project is a self-contained example done completely in the Interface Builder. You should be able to work through it in 10 minutes or less. Then you can apply the concepts you learned to your own project. Here I just use UIViews but they can represent whatever view you like (ie, button, label...
This example shows how a label's width can automatically resize when the text content changes. Pin the left and top edges Just use auto layout to add constraints to pin the left and top sides of the label. After that it will automatically resize. Notes This example comes from this Stack...
Go to the GitHub website Open your repository Click Settings Under GitHub Pages, click "Launch Automatic Page Generator" Follow the instructions
Nobody wants to require or include every time a class or inheritance is used. Because it can be painful and is easy to forget, PHP is offering so called autoloading. If you are already using Composer, read about autoloading using Composer. What exactly is autoloading? The name basically says it al...
Autowiring is done using a sterotype annotation to specify what classes are going to be beans in the ApplicationContext, and using the Autowired and Value annotations to specify bean dependencies. The unique part of autowiring is that there is no external ApplicationContext definition, as it is all...
With generics, it's possible to return whatever the caller expects: private Map<String, Object> data; public <T> T get(String key) { return (T) data.get(key); } The method will compile with a warning. The code is actually more safe than it looks because the Java runtime will d...
If your team is following a rebase-based workflow, it may be a advantageous to setup git so that each newly created branch will perform a rebase operation, instead of a merge operation, during a git pull. To setup every new branch to automatically rebase, add the following to your .gitconfig or .gi...
SimpleDateFormatter is great in a pinch, but like the name suggests it doesn't scale well. If you hard-code "MM/dd/yyyy" all over your application your international users won't be happy. Let Java do the work for you Use the static methods in DateFormat to retrieve the right formatting ...
Interface: public interface FooService { public int doSomething(); } Class: @Service public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService { @Override public int doSomething() { //Do some stuff here return 0; } } It should be noted that a class must imple...
Any size of INT may be used for AUTO_INCREMENT. UNSIGNED is always appropriate. Keep in mind that certain operations "burn" AUTO_INCREMENT ids. This could lead to an unexpected gap. Examples: INSERT IGNORE and REPLACE. They may preallocate an id before realizing that it won't be need...
auto can also cause problems where expression templates come into play: auto mult(int c) { return c * std::valarray<int>{1}; } auto v = mult(3); std::cout << v[0]; // some value that could be, but almost certainly is not, 3. The reason is that operator* on valarray gives yo...
Your code in source control has version numbers either by default (SVN ids or Git SHA1 hashes) or explicitly (Git tags). Rather than manually updating versions in AssemblyInfo.cs you can use a build time process to write the version from your source control system into your AssemblyInfo.cs files and...
There are three basic rules of semicolon insertion: When, as the program is parsed from left to right, a token (called the offending token) is encountered that is not allowed by any production of the grammar, then a semicolon is automatically inserted before the offending token if one or more o...

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