Tutorial by Examples: cm

Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (Haralick et al. 1973) texture is a powerful image feature for image analysis. The glcm package provides a easy-to-use function to calculate such texutral features for RasterLayer objects in R. library(glcm) library(raster) r <- raster("C:/Program Files/R...
To improve memory allocation performance, many TensorFlow users often use tcmalloc instead of the default malloc() implementation, as tcmalloc suffers less from fragmentation when allocating and deallocating large objects (such as many tensors). Some memory-intensive TensorFlow programs have been kn...
Methods in Go are just like functions, except they have receiver. Usually receiver is some kind of struct or type. package main import ( "fmt" ) type Employee struct { Name string Age int Rank int } func (empl *Employee) Promote() { empl.Rank++ } ...
Static variables and methods are not part of an instance, There will always be a single copy of that variable no matter how many objects you create of a particular class. For example you might want to have an immutable list of constants, it would be a good idea to keep it static and initialize it j...
When working with Azure using PowerShell there are 2 different ways you should be aware of and you will see a lot of the Microsoft documentation referring to both of them: "Classic mode (Service Management)" This is the old way of operating Azure and managing Azure. There is still some s...
You can call static methods like this: (System/currentTimeMillis) ;;=> 1469493415265 Or pass in arguments, like this: (System/setProperty "foo" "42") ;;=> nil (System/getProperty "foo") ;;=> "42"
The Grouped CMS Menu Module allows you to group CMS menu items into nested lists which expand when hovered over. This is useful when there are so many CMS menu items that screen space becomes an issue.
The available commands will be displayed, including a brief description, in tabular format. In Windows 10 the following commands are listed: CommandDescriptionASSOCDisplays or modifies file extension associations.ATTRIBDisplays or changes file attributes.BREAKSets or clears extended CTRL+C checkin...
The SilverStripe CMS can be customised to change the CMS logo, link and application name. This can be achieved with the following config.yml settings LeftAndMain: application_name: 'My Application' application_link: 'http://www.example.com/' extra_requirements_css: - mysite/css/cms.c...
Consider using Extension Methods as Functions which wrap other code, here's a great example that uses both a static method and and extension method to wrap the Try Catch construct. Make your code Bullet Proof... using System; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Samples { /// <summary&g...
This example shows how to define a simple model in Sails.js You can generate an empty model file by typing sails generate model car You'll find the new file Car.js in api/models/. Next, you fill in some details. modules.exports = { tableName : 'cars', connection : 'mongodb', attr...
Consider writing a "hello world!" program in c. Lets say our source code is in a file called source.c, now in order to run our program we need to compile it, typically on Linux (using gcc) we would need to type $> gcc source.c -o output where output is the name of the executable to be g...
To create a redistributable package (e.g. a ZIP archive or setup program), it's usually enough to simply invoke CPack using a syntax very similar to calling CMake: cpack path/to/build/directory Depending on the environment this will gather all required/installed files for the project and put the...
Once a CMake project is initialized via project(), the output verbosity of the resulting build script can be adjusted via: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE This variable can be set via CMake's command line when configuring a project: cmake -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON <PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT> For G...
This is an example of an end marker specified with a minimal number of parameters. Note that the stroke color of the original element is not inherited by the marker. <svg width="800px" height="600px"> <defs> <marker id="examplemarker" vi...
A class can have non-static member functions, which operate on individual instances of the class. class CL { public: void member_function() {} }; These functions are called on an instance of the class, like so: CL instance; instance.member_function(); They can be defined either ins...
A Semantic Model offers a deeper level of interpretation and insight of code compare to a syntax tree. Where syntax trees can tell the names of variables, semantic models also give the type and all references. Syntax trees notice method calls, but semantic models give references to the precise locat...
This method allows a command to be sent to Cmd.exe, and returns the standard output (including standard error) as a string: private static string SendCommand(string command) { var cmdOut = string.Empty; var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", command) { ...
By Default, powershell would return the output to the calling Entity. Consider Below Example, Get-Process -Name excel This would simply, return the running process which matches the name excel, to the calling entity. In this case, the PowerShell Host. It prints something like, Handles NPM(K...
Partial classes provide a clean way to separate core logic of your scripts from platform specific methods. Partial classes and methods are marked with the keyword partial. This signals the compiler to leave the class "open" and look in other files for the rest of the implementation. // E...

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