Tutorial by Examples: config

ansible -i hosts -m ping targethost -i hosts defines the path to inventory file targethost is the name of the host in the hosts file
Description When working with a team who uses different operating systems (OS) across the project, sometimes you may run into trouble when dealing with line endings. Microsoft Windows When working on Microsoft Windows operating system (OS), the line endings are normally of form - carriage return ...
The web.config system.web.httpRuntime must target 4.5 to ensure the thread will renter the request context before resuming your async method. <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" /> Async and await have undefined behavior on ASP.NET prior to 4.5. Async / await will resume on an arb...
To get started with Thymeleaf visit official download page. Maven dependency <dependency> <groupId>org.thymeleaf</groupId> <artifactId>thymeleaf</artifactId> <version>3.0.1.RELEASE</version> </dependency> Gradle dependency compile gr...
Dependencies npm i -D webpack babel-loader webpack.config.js const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: { app: ['babel-polyfill', './src/'], }, output: { path: __dirname, filename: './dist/[name].js', }, resolve: { extensions: ['', '.js'], }...
Installation npm install -D webpack typescript ts-loader webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: { app: ['./src/'], }, output: { path: __dirname, filename: './dist/[name].js', }, resolve: { extensions: ['', '.js', '.ts'], }, module: { loaders: [...
Using Kestrel you can specify port using next approaches: Defining ASPNETCORE_URLS environment variable. Windows SET ASPNETCORE_URLS= OS X export ASPNETCORE_URLS= Via command line passing --server.urls parameter dotnet run --server.urls=http...
Assumptions for this example: You have a class, foo.bar.Baz. You'd like to create a run configuration that runs the main method. It's in a module called fooBar. In your gradle file: idea { workspace.iws.withXml { provider -> // I'm not actually sure why this is necessar...
File app.routes Protected routes have canActivate binded to Guard import { provideRouter, Router, RouterConfig, CanActivate } from '@angular/router'; //components import { LoginComponent } from './login/login.component'; import { DashboardComponent } from './dashboard/dashboard.component'; ...
To create a background session // Swift: let mySessionID = "com.example.bgSession" let bgSessionConfig = NSURLSessionConfiguration.backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier(mySessionID) let session = NSURLSession(configuration: bgSessionConfig) // add tasks here //...
kotlin-gradle-plugin is used to compile Kotlin code with Gradle. Basically, its version should correspond to the Kotlin version you want to use. E.g. if you want to use Kotlin 1.0.3, then you need to aplly kotlin-gradle-plugin version 1.0.3 too. It's a good idea to externalize this version in gradl...
import ( "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" "gopkg.in/yaml.v2" ) func main() { filename, _ := filepath.Abs("config/config.yml") yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) var config Config err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &c...
Sitecore ships with a set of standard indexes pre-configured which you can extend, or you can define your own. Of the pre-configured, sitecore_master_index & sitecore_web_index are of most interest for your site search. These are the predefined indexes for all of your Sitecore items in the tree ...
nginx consists of modules which are controlled by directives specified in the configuration file. Simple Directives A simple directive consists of the name and parameters separated by spaces and ends with a semicolon (;). Block Directive A block directive has the same structure as a simple direc...
Create a YAML file in the config/ directory, for example: config/neo4j.yml The content of neo4j.yml can be something like the below (for simplicity, default is used for all environments): default: &default host: localhost port: 7474 username: neo4j password: root development: ...
In Drupal 7 and lower, your configuration is probably stored using the Features module. To update a feature with changes from the databases use this command: drush features-update [feature-name] // e.g. drush features-update content_type_news You can also use this shorthand: drush fu [feature-n...
Each of Laravel's queue drivers are configured from the config/queue.php file. A queue driver is the handler for managing how to run a queued job, identifying whether the jobs succeeded or failed, and trying the job again if configured to do so. Out of the box, Laravel supports the following queue ...
This example shows how to configure multiple environments with different Dependency Injection configuration and separate middlewares in one Startup class. Alongside of public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) and public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) methods one can use C...
Database configuration of a rails project lies in a file config/database.yml. If you create a project using rails new command and don't specify a database engine to be used then rails uses sqlite as the default database. A typical database.yml file with default configuration will look similar to fol...
Steps to create Hello Spring: Investigate Spring Boot to see if that would better suit your needs. Have a project set up with the correct dependencies. It is recommended that you are using Maven or Gradle. create a POJO class, e.g. Employee.java create a XML file where you can define your clas...

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