Tutorial by Examples: copy

In Python 2.6 and higher, math.copysign(x, y) returns x with the sign of y. The returned value is always a float. Python 2.x2.6 math.copysign(-2, 3) # 2.0 math.copysign(3, -3) # -3.0 math.copysign(4, 14.2) # 4.0 math.copysign(1, -0.0) # -1.0, on a platform which supports signed zero ...
with open(input_file, 'r') as in_file, open(output_file, 'w') as out_file: for line in in_file: out_file.write(line) Using the shutil module: import shutil shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
A quick way to make a copy of an array (as opposed to assigning a variable with another reference to the original array) is: arr[:] Let's examine the syntax. [:] means that start, end, and slice are all omitted. They default to 0, len(arr), and 1, respectively, meaning that subarray that we are ...
StyledDocuments generally do not implement clone, and so have to copy them in a different way if that is necessary. try { //Initialization DefaultStyledDocument sourceDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); DefaultStyledDocument destDoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); ...
import shutil source='// Reports' destination='D:\\Reports\\Today' shutil.copytree(source, destination) The destination directory must not exist already.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main(void) { /* Always ensure that your string is large enough to contain the characters * and a terminating NUL character ('\0')! */ char mystring[10]; /* Copy "foo" into `mystring`, until a NUL character is en...
To begin making modifications to the project's data, you have to obtain a local copy of the versioned project. Use the command line svn client or your favorite SVN client (TortoiseSVN, for example). Your local copy of the project is called a working copy in Subversion and you get it by issuing the c...
You are not the only person working on the project, right? This means that your colleagues are also making modifications to the project's data. To stay up to date and to fetch the modifications committed by others, you should run svn update command in your working copy. As a result, your working cop...
A wide variety of standard library functions have among their effects copying byte sequences from one memory region to another. Most of these functions have undefined behavior when the source and destination regions overlap. For example, this ... #include <string.h> /* for memcpy() */ ch...
Branching in Subversion is very simple. In the simplest form, creating a new branch requires you to run the command against the remote repository's URLs. For example, let's create a new branch out of the mainline trunk: svn copy https://svn.example.com/svn/MyRepo/MyProject/trunk https://svn.example...
When you interact with the remote central repository using your private local workspace -- the working copy -- you can use repository-relative URL instead of direct URL to URL copy to create a new branch: svn copy "^/MyProject/trunk" "^/MyProject/branches/MyNewBranch" -m "C...
The working copy (WC) is your local and private workspace that you use to interact with the central Subversion repository. You use the working copy to modify the contents of your project and fetch changes committed by others. The working copy contains your project's data and looks and acts like a r...
git cherry-pick <commit-hash> will apply the changes made in an existing commit to another branch, while recording a new commit. Essentially, you can copy commits from branch to branch. Given the following tree (Source) dd2e86 - 946992 - 9143a9 - a6fd86 - 5a6057 [master] \ ...
Java provides several ways to copy an array. for loop int[] a = { 4, 1, 3, 2 }; int[] b = new int[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { b[i] = a[i]; } Note that using this option with an Object array instead of primitive array will fill the copy with reference to the origi...
If you wish to copy the contents of a slice into an initially empty slice, following steps can be taken to accomplish it- Create the source slice: var sourceSlice []interface{} = []interface{}{"Hello",5.10,"World",true} Create the destination slice, with: Length =...
git cherry-pick <commit-A>..<commit-B> will place every commit after A and up to and including B on top of the currently checked-out branch. git cherry-pick <commit-A>^..<commit-B> will place commit A and every commit up to and including B on top of the currently checked-out...
This code selects data out of a table and displays it in the query tool (usually SSMS) SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3 FROM MySourceTable; This code inserts that data into a table: INSERT INTO MyTargetTable (Column1, Column2, Column3) SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3 FROM MySourceTable;
This code selects data out of a table: SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3 FROM MySourceTable; This code creates a new table called MyNewTable and puts that data into it SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3 INTO MyNewTable FROM MySourceTable;
Bear in mind that declaring a destructor inhibits the compiler from generating implicit move constructors and move assignment operators. If you declare a destructor, remember to also add appropriate definitions for the move operations. Furthermore, declaring move operations will suppress the genera...
If a type wishes to have value semantics, and it needs to store objects that are dynamically allocated, then on copy operations, the type will need to allocate new copies of those objects. It must also do this for copy assignment. This kind of copying is called a "deep copy". It effective...

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