Tutorial by Examples: ant

A task can be created by directly instantiating the Task class... var task = new Task(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task code starting..."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("...task code ending!"); }); Console.WriteLine("Starting task..."); t...
String.Trim() string x = " Hello World! "; string y = x.Trim(); // "Hello World!" string q = "{(Hi!*"; string r = q.Trim( '(', '*', '{' ); // "Hi!" String.TrimStart() and String.TrimEnd() string q = "{(Hi*"; string r = q.TrimStart( '{...
ConstantsDescriptionApproximateMath.EBase of natural logarithm e2.718Math.LN10Natural logarithm of 102.302Math.LN2Natural logarithm of 20.693Math.LOG10EBase 10 logarithm of e0.434Math.LOG2EBase 2 logarithm of e1.442Math.PIPi: the ratio of circle circumference to diameter (π)3.14Math.SQRT1_2Square ro...
Copying an array will copy all of the items inside the original array. Changing the new array will not change the original array. var originalArray = ["Swift", "is", "great!"] var newArray = originalArray newArray[2] = "awesome!" //originalArray = ["...
Signed integers can be of these types (the int after short, or long is optional): signed char c = 127; /* required to be 1 byte, see remarks for further information. */ signed short int si = 32767; /* required to be at least 16 bits. */ signed int i = 32767; /* required to be at least 16 bits */ ...
The C language has three mandatory real floating point types, float, double, and long double. float f = 0.314f; /* suffix f or F denotes type float */ double d = 0.314; /* no suffix denotes double */ long double ld = 0.314l; /* suffix l or L denotes long double */ /* the differen...
reduce will not terminate the iteration before the iterable has been completly iterated over so it can be used to create a non short-circuit any() or all() function: import operator # non short-circuit "all" reduce(operator.and_, [False, True, True, True]) # = False # non short-circu...
When it comes to adding/removing channels to/from your channel groups, you need to have must have the manage permission for those channel groups. But you should never grant clients the permission to manage the channel groups that they will subscribe to. If they did, then they could add any channel t...
Abbreviated from https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2013/07/using-oauth-2-0-with-the-core-api/: Step 1: Begin authorization Send the user to this web page, with your values filled in: https://www.dropbox.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<app key>&response_type=code&redirect_uri=<...
// List folder Dropbox.authorizedClient!.files.listFolder(path: "/nonexistantpath").response { response, error in print("*** List folder ***") if let result = response { print("Folder contents:") for entry in result.entries { pr...
The !important declaration is used to override the usual specificity in a style sheet by giving a higher priority to a rule. Its usage is: property : value !important; #mydiv { font-weight: bold !important; /* This property won't be overridden by the ...
Classes are reference types, meaning that multiple variables can refer to the same instance. class Dog { var name = "" } let firstDog = Dog() firstDog.name = "Fido" let otherDog = firstDog // otherDog points to the same Dog instance otherDog.name = "Rover" // modifying otherDog also...
Before publishing a package you have to version it. npm supports semantic versioning, this means there are patch, minor and major releases. For example, if your package is at version 1.2.3 to change version you have to: patch release: npm version patch => 1.2.4 minor release: npm version min...
import Data.Traversable as Traversable data MyType a = -- ... instance Traversable MyType where traverse = -- ... Every Traversable structure can be made a Foldable Functor using the fmapDefault and foldMapDefault functions found in Data.Traversable. instance Functor MyType where ...
Using generic constructors would require the anonymous types to be named, which is not possible. Alternatively, generic methods may be used to allow type inference to occur. var anon = new { Foo = 1, Bar = 2 }; var anon2 = new { Foo = 5, Bar = 10 }; List<T> CreateList<T>(params T[] it...
Chef Scollector Cookbook: https://github.com/alexmbird/chef-scollector Chef Bosun Cookbook: https://github.com/ptqa/chef-bosun Puppet scollector module: https://github.com/axibase/axibase-puppet-modules Bosun Ansible/Vagrant example: https://github.com/gnosek/bosun-deploy
If you have a value that never changes in your application, you can define a named constant and use it in place of a literal value. You can use Const only at module or procedure level. This means the declaration context for a variable must be a class, structure, module, procedure, or block, and can...
math modules includes two commonly used mathematical constants. math.pi - The mathematical constant pi math.e - The mathematical constant e (base of natural logarithm) >>> from math import pi, e >>> pi 3.141592653589793 >>> e 2.718281828459045 >>> P...
A new thread separate from the main thread's execution, can be created using Thread.new. thr = Thread.new { sleep 1 # 1 second sleep of sub thread puts "Whats the big deal" } This will automatically start the execution of the new thread. To freeze execution of the main Thread, ...
Constants are declared like variables, but using the const keyword: const Greeting string = "Hello World" const Years int = 10 const Truth bool = true Like for variables, names starting with an upper case letter are exported (public), names starting with lower case are not. // not e...

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