Math.E | Base of natural logarithm e | 2.718 |
Math.LN10 | Natural logarithm of 10 | 2.302 |
Math.LN2 | Natural logarithm of 2 | 0.693 |
Math.LOG10E | Base 10 logarithm of e | 0.434 |
Math.LOG2E | Base 2 logarithm of e | 1.442 |
Math.PI | Pi: the ratio of circle circumference to diameter (π) | 3.14 |
Math.SQRT1_2 | Square root of 1/2 | 0.707 |
Math.SQRT2 | Square root of 2 | 1.414 |
Number.EPSILON | Difference between one and the smallest value greater than one representable as a Number | 2.2204460492503130808472633361816E-16 |
Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER | Largest integer n such that n and n + 1 are both exactly representable as a Number | 2^53 - 1 |
Number.MAX_VALUE | Largest positive finite value of Number | 1.79E+308 |
Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER | Smallest integer n such that n and n - 1 are both exactly representable as a Number | -(2^53 - 1) |
Number.MIN_VALUE | Smallest positive value for Number | 5E-324 |
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY | Value of negative infinity (-∞) | |
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY | Value of positive infinity (∞) | |
Infinity | Value of positive infinity (∞) | |