Tutorial by Topics: 2

RewriteBase URL-path RewriteCond TestString CondPattern RewriteEngine on|off RewriteMap MapName MapType:MapSource RewriteOptions Options RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags]
Building and Compiling opencv 3.1.0-dev to get an access for non free modules can be a headache for some people especially on Windows machine. Unlike Ubuntu, setting up opencv for Windows takes some time and requires a couple pf dependencies to be installed first before building and compiling. Th...
parameterdescriptioncontrolThis is the control that is being validated. Typically you will want to see if control.value meets some criteria.
npm install [plugin-name] --save-dev npm install [plugin-name] --save Function <function-name> (glob) { $.src(glob).pipe([plugin 1]).pipe([plugin 2])....pipe([plugin n]).pipe( $.dest(<destination-name>) } $.task(<taskname> , [dependencies] , <body>); Continue Read...
Cool. So we are all done with our workflow automation. We now have a gulp file , that Responsifies and minifies images cleans,autoprefixes,concatenates and minifies Css Concatenates and minifies JS Watches for changes to assets be it HTML | CSS | JS and triggers associated tasks Creates a ...
this.myForm = this.formBuilder.group creates a form object with user's configuration and assigns it to this.myForm variable. 'loginCredentials': this.formBuilder.group method creates a group of controls which consist of a formControlName eg. login and value ['', Validators.required], where th...
Spark 2.0 has been released and contains many enhancements and new features. If you are using Spark 1.6 and now you want to upgrade your application to use Spark 2.0, you have to take into account some changes in the API. Below are some of the changes to the code that need to be made.
I mainly requested this topic because I could not find any information on setting up multiple API routes with the Angular2-In-Memory-Web-Api. Ended up figuring it out myself, and figured this might be helpful to others.
ParameterDetailsamountrequired - A positive integer in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a 0-decimal currency) representing how much to charge the card. The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in charge currency.currencyrequired - 3-letter ISO c...

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