Tutorial by Topics: at

A set contains only one copy of each distinct element. Unlike some other programming languages, base R does not have a dedicated data type for sets. Instead, R treats a vector like a set by taking only its distinct elements. This applies to the set operators, setdiff, intersect, union, setequal an...
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (condition1) AND (condition2); SELECT * FROM table WHERE (condition1) OR (condition2);
NameDescriptionASCII()Return numeric value of left-most characterBIN()Return a string containing binary representation of a numberBIT_LENGTH()Return length of argument in bitsCHAR()Return the character for each integer passedCHAR_LENGTH()Return number of characters in argumentCHARACTER_LENGTH()Syno...
t, err := template.Parse({{.MyName .MyAge}}) t.Execute(os.Stdout,struct{MyValue,MyAge string}{"John Doe","40.1"}) Golang provides packages like: text/template html/template to implement data-driven templates for generating textual and HTML outputs...
In this topic you will learn how to integrate with Node.js using MYSQL database management tool. You will learn various ways to connect and interact with data residing in mysql using a nodejs program and script.
Laravel supports Blade templating engine out of the box. The Blade templating engine allows us to create master templates and child templating loading content from master templates, we can have variables, loops and conditional statements inside the blade file.
The singleton pattern has the goal to allow only one instance of a class to exists at any given time. Preventing the direct instantiation via constructor is usually prevent by making it private. However, this is not possible in As3 and thus other ways to control the number of instances have to be...
ParameterExplanation$templatePasses one parameter to the filter, $template is the current path to the appropriate file for the post type as found in the active child theme or parent theme (if no child theme in place or child theme has lower ranked templates. See wordpress template hierarchy for mor...
{{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter }} {{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter(args) }} ParameterDetailsvalueThe value passed in by Jinja, to be filteredargsExtra arguments to be passed into the filter function
The TRUNCATE statement deletes all data from a table. This is similar to DELETE with no filter, but, depending on the database software, has certain restrictions and optimizations. TRUNCATE TABLE table_name; TRUNCATE is a DDL (Data Definition Language) command, and as such there are si...
EOMONTH (start_date [, month_to_add ] ) as per https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187819.aspx, DateTimes are only precise to 3ms. Rounding of datetime Fractional Second Precision datetime values are rounded to increments of .000, .003, or .007 seconds, as shown in the following ta...
lock (obj) {} Using the lock statement you can control different threads' access to code within the code block. It is commonly used to prevent race conditions, for example multiple threads reading and removing items from a collection. As locking forces threads to wait for other threads to ...
Approach with sealed trait and case objects is preferred because Scala enumeration has a few problems: Enumerations have the same type after erasure. Compiler doesn't complain about “Match is not exhaustive", if case is missed it will fail in runtime scala.MatchError: def isWeekendWith...

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