Tutorial by Topics: for

The Format methods are a set of overloads in the System.String class used to create strings that combine objects into specific string representations. This information can be applied to String.Format, various WriteLine methods as well as other methods in the .NET framework. string.Format(strin...
Gradle is a JVM-based build system that enables developers to write high-level scripts that can be used to automate the process of compilation and application production. It is a flexible plugin-based system, which allows you to automate various aspects of the build process; including compiling and ...
ParameterDetailsGoogleMapthe GoogleMap is an object that is received on a onMapReady() eventMarkerOptionsMarkerOptions is the builder class of a Marker, and is used to add one marker to a map. Requirements Google Play Services SDK installed. A Google Console Account. A Google Maps API Key o...
While most HTML tags are used to create elements, HTML also provides in-text formatting tags to apply specific text-related styles to portions of text. This topic includes examples of HTML text formatting such as highlighting, bolding, underlining, subscript, and stricken text. <abbr>Ab...
Text formatting in markdown usually requires characters at both the beginning and end of the text.
for {clauses} body for {clauses} yield body for (clauses) body for (clauses) yield body ParameterDetailsforRequired keyword to use a for loop/comprehensionclausesThe iteration and filters over which the for works.yieldUse this if you want to create or 'yield' a collection. Using yield wil...
Lambda-List(format DESTINATION CONTROL-STRING &REST FORMAT-ARGUMENTS)DESTINATIONthe thing to write to. This can be an output stream, t (shorthand for *standard-output*), or nil (which creates a string to write to)CONTROL-STRINGthe template string. It might be a primitive string, or it might con...
As with other relational database systems, SQL Server exposes metadata about your databases. This is provided through the ISO Standard INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema, or the SQL Server-specific sys catalog views.
The source code for Reachability.h and Reachability.m can be found on Apple's developer documentation site. Caveats Unlike other platforms, Apple is yet to provide a standard set of APIs to determine an iOS device's network status and offer only these code examples linked above. The source fil...
There are also several other FOR XML modes: FOR XML RAW - Creates one <row> element per row. FOR XML AUTO - Attempts to heuristically autogenerate a hierarchy. FOR XML EXPLICIT - Provides more control over the shape of the XML, but is more cumbersome than FOR XML PATH.
Fortran is a language used extensively in the scientific community due to its suitability for numerical computation. Particularly attractive is its intuitive array notation, which makes writing fast vectorised computations easy. Despite its age, Fortran is still actively developed, with numerous ...
Xamarin.Forms makes it possible to create iOS, Android, and Windows apps with large amounts of shared code, including UI code or XAML UI markup. App pages and views are mapped to native controls on each platform, but can be customized to provide platform-specific UI or to access platform-specific ...
You can find a good explanation on why other methods are discouraged/inaccurate here : http://stackoverflow.com/a/11169920/4628637
Rotate Transform transform: rotate(<angle>) Translate Transform transform: translate(<length-or-percentage> [, <length-or-percentage>]?) transform: translateX(<length-or-percentage>) transform: translateY(<length-or-percentage>) Skew Transform transform: skew(&...
Windows Forms ("WinForms" for short) is a GUI class library included with the .NET Framework. It is a sophisticated object-oriented wrapper around the Win32 API, allowing the development of Windows desktop and mobile applications that target the .NET Framework. WinForms is primarily eve...
When storing and transforming data for humans to see, string formatting can become very important. Python offers a wide variety of string formatting methods which are outlined in this topic. "{}".format(42) ==> "42" "{0}".format(42) ==> "42" &quo...

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