Tutorial by Topics: rs

When it comes to storing, reading, or communicating data, working with the files of an operating system is both necessary and easy with Python. Unlike other languages where file input and output requires complex reading and writing objects, Python simplifies the process only needing commands to open...
Generator functions (defined by the function* keyword) run as coroutines, generating a series of values as they're requested through an iterator. function* name(parameters) { yield value; return value } generator = name(arguments) { value, done } = generator.next(value) { value, done } = ge...
Generators are lazy iterators created by generator functions (using yield) or generator expressions (using (an_expression for x in an_iterator)). yield <expr> yield from <expr> <var> = yield <expr> next(<iter>)
Python does common mathematical operators on its own, including integer and float division, multiplication, exponentiation, addition, and subtraction. The math module (included in all standard Python versions) offers expanded functionality like trigonometric functions, root operations, logarithms, a...
String.characters // Returns an Array of the characters in the String String.characters.count // Returns the number of characters String.utf8 // A String.UTF8View, returns the UTF-8 character points in the String String.utf16 // A String.UTF16View, returns the UTF-16 character points in the St...
A jQuery selectors selects or finds a DOM (document object model) element in an HTML document. It is used to select HTML elements based on id, name, types, attributes, class and etc. It is based on existing CSS selectors. Tag: No marker, use the tag directly Id: #id Class: .className Attrib...
QuantifiersDescription?Match the preceding character or subexpression 0 or 1 times (preferably 1).*Match the preceding character or subexpression 0 or more times (as many as possible).+Match the preceding character or subexpression 1 or more times (as many as possible).{n}Match the preceding chara...
Terminology The Caret (^) character is also referred to by the following terms: hat control uparrow chevron circumflex accent Usage It has two uses in regular expressions: To denote the start of the line If used immediately after a square bracket ([^) it acts to negate the set of a...
Use context processors to add variables that are accessible anywhere in your templates. Specify a function, or functions that return dicts of the variables you want, then add those functions to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS.
std::shared_ptr<ClassType> variableName = std::make_shared<ClassType>(arg1, arg2, ...); std::shared_ptr<ClassType> variableName (new ClassType(arg1, arg2, ...)); std::unique_ptr<ClassType> variableName = std::make_unique<ClassType>(arg1, arg2, ...); // C++14 std::...
A selector is a chain of simple selectors, separated by combinators. Selectors are case insensitive (including against elements, attributes, and attribute values). The universal selector (*) is implicit when no element selector is supplied (i.e. *.header and .header is equivalent). PatternMatche...
This spoiler syntax is specific to Stack Exchange, and is not part of a standard markdown syntax.
<htmlElement ng-controller="controllerName"> ... </htmlElement> <script> app.controller('controllerName', controllerFunction); </script>
CSS selectors identify specific HTML elements as targets for CSS styles. This topic covers how CSS selectors target HTML elements. Selectors use a wide range of over 50 selection methods offered by the CSS language, including elements, classes, IDs, pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, and patterns. ...
new Worker(file) postMessage(data, transfers) onmessage = function(message) { /* ... */ } onerror = function(message) { /* ... */ } terminate() Service workers are only enabled for websites served over HTTPS.

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