Tutorial by Topics: source

While many scripts, icons, and stylesheets can be written straight into HTML markup, it is best practice and more efficient to include these resources in their own file and link them to your document. This topic covers linking external resources such as stylesheets and scripts into an HTML document....
RAII stands for Resource Acquisition Is Initialization. Also occasionally referred to as SBRM (Scope-Based Resource Management) or RRID (Resource Release Is Destruction), RAII is an idiom used to tie resources to object lifetime. In C++, the destructor for an object always runs when an object goes...
There will come a time where your CakePHP application will need to query more than one database. The method for requesting Models from non-default databases is not present in the official documentation.
Java allows the retrieval of file-based resources stored inside of a JAR alongside compiled classes. This topic focuses on loading those resources and making them available to your code. A resource is file-like data with a path-like name, which resides in the classpath. The most common use of...
Syntax for ARM templates is well documented: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/resource-group-authoring-templates/
Resource Governor in SQL Server is a feature that allows you to manage resource usage by different applications and users. It kicks in realtime by setting CPU and memory limits. It will help preventing that one heavy process will eat up all system resources while for example smaller tasks are awai...
ParametersDetailsmodel.android.ndk.toolchainnative toolchain found in the ndk-bundle folder
AttributeDetailsauth(String) Specify whether the web Application code signs on to the corresponding resource manager programmatically, or whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the application. The value of this attribute must be Application or Container. This attri...
Practical examples of using Roslyn for source code transformations. Roslyn syntax trees are immutable. By calling a method like ReplaceNodes we generate a new node rather than modifying the existing one. This requires you to always change the object you have been working on.
To make your APK file as small as possible, you should enable shrinking to remove unused code and resources in your release build.
JTOpen links https://gist.github.com/phpdave/52d6d8f135181a042901b2918141f82a#file-zdocumentation-md

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