Converting date and time strings to numeric arrays can be done with datenum
, though it may take as much as half the time of reading a large data file.
Consider the data in example Textscan. By, again, using textscan and interpret date and time as integers, they can rapidly be converted into a numeric array.
I.e. a line in the example data would be interpreted as:
Data , 2015 - 09 - 16 , 15 : 41 : 52 ; 801 , 800.000000 , 1.5123 , 0.0043
ignore double double double double double double double double double double
which will be read as:
fid = fopen('path/to/myfile');
data = textscan(fid,'%*s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f','Delimiter',',-:;');
y = data{1}; % year
m = data{2}; % month
d = data{3}; % day
H = data{4}; % hours
M = data{5}; % minutes
S = data{6}; % seconds
F = data{7}; % milliseconds
% Translation from month to days
ms = [0,31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334];
n = length(y); % Number of elements
Time = zeros(n,1); % Declare numeric time array
% Algorithm for calculating numeric time array
for k = 1:n
Time(k) = y(k)*365 + ms(m(k)) + d(k) + floor(y(k)/4)...
- floor(y(k)/100) + floor(y(k)/400) + (mod(y(k),4)~=0)...
- (mod(y(k),100)~=0) + (mod(y(k),400)~=0)...
+ (H(k)*3600 + M(k)*60 + S(k) + F(k)/1000)/86400 + 1;
Using datenum
on 566,678 elements required 6.626570 seconds, whilst the method above required 0.048334 seconds, i.e. 0.73% of the time for datenum
or ~137 times faster.