Supposing the following list we can sort a variety of ways.
val names = List("Kathryn", "Allie", "Beth", "Serin", "Alana")
The default behavior of sorted()
is to use math.Ordering
, which for strings results in a lexographic sort:
// results in: List(Alana, Allie, Beth, Kathryn, Serin)
allows you to provide your own ordering utilizing a comparison function:
names.sortWith(_.length < _.length)
// results in: List(Beth, Allie, Serin, Alana, Kathryn)
allows you to provide a transformation function:
//A set of vowels to use
val vowels = Set('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
//A function that counts the vowels in a name
def countVowels(name: String) = name.count(l => vowels.contains(l.toLower))
//Sorts by the number of vowels
//result is: List(Kathryn, Beth, Serin, Allie, Alana)
You can always reverse a list, or a sorted list, using `reverse:
//results in: List(Serin, Kathryn, Beth, Allie, Alana)
Lists can also be sorted using Java method java.util.Arrays.sort
and its Scala wrapper scala.util.Sorting.quickSort
These methods can improve performance when sorting larger collections if the collection conversions and unboxing/boxing can be avoided. For a more detailed discussion on the performance differences, read about Scala Collection sorted, sortWith and sortBy Performance.