Tutorial by Topics

Django Admin is the CRUD interface of Django web framework. It is mostly automatically generated but can be widely customize. However, you must keep in mind that it is designed for trusted users only and has its limits. In any case, you must never give admin access to untrusted users. Django Admi...
This section provides an overview of what hapijs is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within hapijs, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for hapijs is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
This section provides an overview of what django-cms is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within django-cms, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for django-cms is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rela...
Types of Intents Explicit Intents Implicit Intents Explicit intent: going to be connected internal world of application, suppose you want to connect one activity to another activity, this can be done by explicit intent. Below is the code snippet demonstrating the connection between first an...
Official Google Documentation Google Maps JavaScript API Overview Google Maps JavaScript API Code Samples Google Maps JavaScript API Reference About the examples in this topic YOUR_API_KEY needs to be replaced by your own application API key. You can obtain an API key and configure ...
To view a List of MySQL Users, we use the following command : SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user;
HTTP services normally run on port 80, but if you have some application installed like Skype which also utilizes port 80 then it won't start. In that case you need to change either its port or the port of the conflicting application. When done, restart the HTTP service.
Apache Camel is a framework that primarily facilitates solving enterprise integration challenges. At its core it can be thought of as a routing engine engine builder. In essence it allows you to connect systems(endpoints) via routes. These routes accept messages which can be of any data type. The...
Normally, view controllers in a storyboard are instantiated and created automatically in response to actions defined within the storyboard itself. However, you can use a storyboard object to instantiate the initial view controller in a storyboard file or instantiate other view controllers that you w...
SQL injection is an attempt to access a website's database tables by injecting SQL into a form field. If a web server does not protect against SQL injection attacks, a hacker can trick the database into running the additional SQL code. By executing their own SQL code, hackers can upgrade their accou...

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