Tutorial by Topics

An example of how to use dependency injection in .net without using a container. Based on examples by Mark Seemann http://blog.ploeh.dk/
Phalcon is an open source, full stack framework for PHP. Functionality is exposed as PHP classes ready to be used. Written as a C extension, it is optimized for extremely high performance, being the fastest possible framework available for PHP developers.  Useful links: ResourceLinkTeamhttp...
This section provides an overview of what concurrency is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within concurrency, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for concurrency is new, you may need to create initial versions of those r...
BOOL havePlutonium = YES;    // Direct assigment BOOL fastEnough = (car.speedInMPH >= 88);    // Comparison expression BOOL fluxCapacitorActive = (havePlutonium && fastEnough);    // Boolean expression   id somethingWicked = [witchesCupboard lastObject];    // Retrieve untyped obje...
Matplotlib has four distinct coordinate systems which can be leveraged to ease the positioning of different object, e.g., text. Each system has a corresponding transformation object which transform coordinates from that system to the so called display coordinate system. Data coordinate system is ...
This section provides an overview of what string is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within string, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for string is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
zsh is a POSIX-compatible shell, and a popular alternative to the Bourne shell (sh) and bash. Its key feature is a focus on a high level of customization by the user, which has led to an active community of developers creating extensions for zsh, including custom, more informative prompt status l...
Since using CullingGroups is not always very straightforward, it may be helpful to encapsulate the bulk of the logic behind a manager class. Below is a blueprint how such a manager might operate. using UnityEngine; using System; public interface ICullingGroupManager { int ReserveSphere()...
Routes are rules that tell Sails what to do when faced with an incoming request. Routes are defined in config/routes.js. The order of the routes is significant, as routes are matched top down. This means if you have a specific route that also could be matched by a wildcard route, the specific rou...

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