Tutorial by Topics

While the framework is simple to use, creating non-trivial applications assumes a working knowledge of many JEE technologies, including: Java Filters JSP Tag Libraries JavaBeans HTML and HTTP Web Containers (such as Tomcat) XML
T4 Syntax <#@...#> //Declaring properties including templates, assemblies and namespaces and the language the template uses Plain Text //Declaring text that can be looped through for the files generated <#=...#> //Declaring Scripts <#+...#> //Declaring scriptlets <#...#&g...
This section provides an overview of what netty is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within netty, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for netty is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
The go command is a command-line program that allows for the management of Go development. It enables building, running, and testing code, as well as a variety of other Go-related tasks.
Overview The C standard describes the language syntax, the functions provided by the standard library, and the behavior of conforming C processors (roughly speaking, compilers) and conforming C programs. With respect to behavior, the standard for the most part specifies particular behaviors fo...
UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two View Controllers masterViewController(PrimaryViewController) and detailViewController(SecondaryViewController). we can send an array with two view controllers and Apple...
<marker viewBox="x y width height" refX="xoffset" refY="yoffset" orient="orientation" ... optional parameters> ...elements drawing the marker... </marker> <elementname marker-start="url(#markerid)"/> applies a marker to the st...
ParameterDescriptionclipPathUnitsthe coordinate system of the pattern contents either objectBoundingBox or userSpaceOnUse Related W3C Recommendation informations
The "scripts" property in package.json allows you to run npm packages locally. The "karma": "karma" script references the karma shell script is the node_modules/.bin directory. This reference needs to be grab and an alias needs to be applied to it in order to be use...
In iOS 8 and later, you can use the UISplitViewController class on all iOS devices, in previous versions of iOS, the class is available only on iPad. UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two UIViewControll...
A note about implemeting both methods When both methods are implemented, it's somewhat common to have a __str__ method that returns a human-friendly representation (e.g. "Ace of Spaces") and __repr__ return an eval-friendly representation. In fact, the Python docs for repr() note ex...
Bluetooth is an industry standard for wireless data transmission between devices over short distances. It was first defined in the 1990s by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), in IEEE 802.15.1. Both connectionless and connection oriented data transmission is possible, to one or more device...

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