Tutorial by Topics

Aggregate functions in SQL Server run calculations on sets of values, returning a single value. AVG([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) COUNT([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) MAX([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) MIN([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) SUM([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)
This section provides an overview of what wso2is is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within wso2is, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for wso2is is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
An async function is one that returns a promise. await yields to the caller until the promise resolves and then continues with the result. An iterator allows the collection to be looped through with a for-of loop. An async iterator is a collection where each iteration is a promise which can be awa...
LAPIC registerAddress (Relative to APIC BASE)Local APIC ID Register+20hSpurious Interrupt Vector Register+0f0hInterrupt Command Register (ICR); bits 0-31+300hInterrupt Command Register (ICR); bits 32-63+310h In order to access the LAPIC registers a segment must be able to reach the address range ...
A caffe user sends instructions to perform specific operations to caffe objects. These objects interact with each other based on their design specifications and carry out the operation(s). This is a basic principle OOP paradigm. While there are many caffe object types (or C++ classes), for a beg...
Google Cloud Messaging: Overview Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) is a free service that enables developers to send messages between servers and client apps. This includes downstream messages from servers to client apps, and upstream messages from client apps to servers. For example, a lightweight d...
now() Dates.today() Dates.year(t) Dates.month(t) Dates.day(t) Dates.hour(t) Dates.minute(t) Dates.second(t) Dates.millisecond(t) Dates.format(t, s)
Operators are evaluated in the following order: Mathematical operators Bitwise operators Concatenation operators Comparison operators Logical operators Operators with matching precedence are evaluated from left to right. The default order can be overridden by using parentheses ( and ) t...
Active Record It's the M in MVC - the model - which is the layer of the system responsible for representing business data and logic. Active Record facilitates the creation and use of business objects whose data requires persistent storage to a database. It is an implementation of the Active Rec...
Pkg.add(package) Pkg.checkout(package, branch="master") Pkg.clone(url) Pkg.dir(package) Pkg.pin(package, version) Pkg.rm(package) ParameterDetailsPkg.add(package)Download and install the given registered package.Pkg.checkout(package,branch)Check out the given branch for the gi...
macro"string" # short, string macro form @macro_str "string" # long, regular macro form macro`command` String macros are not quite as powerful as plain old strings — because interpolation must be implemented in the macro's logic, string macros are unable to contain str...
csvReader := csv.NewReader(r) data, err := csvReader.Read()
@Test(groups = {"group1", "group.regression" }, dependsOnGroups = {"group2", "group3"})

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