Tutorial by Topics

The PERFORM statement transfers control to one or more procedures and returns control implicitly when the sequence completes. PERFORM can also be used for inline loops withing the scope of the PERFORM. The VARYING phrase allows for nesting with one or more AFTER clauses, and the conditional test...
The READ statement is a staple of COBOL transaction processing programming. Reads data from external storage into working store. With or without locks or sharing, sequentially, by random access, or by key. Declarative clauses for AT END may also be specified, but some programmers prefer explici...
The RELEASE statement is used to give records to the COBOL SORT algorithm under programmer controlled conditions.
The RETURN statement controls when data is sent to the internal COBOL sort algorithm writer, as part of an OUTPUT PROCEDURE. Post sort data can be transformed under programmer control before being returned and written to the output file by the sort algorithm.
obj <- < widgetName >New -- How widgets (e.g Windows, Buttons, Grids) are created set < widget > [ < attributes > ] -- Set attributes as defined as Attr self in widget documentation (e.g. buttonLabel) on < widget > < event > < IO action > -- Addin...
@Injectable() // Tells dependency injector to inject dependencies when creating instance of this service. request.subscribe() // This is where you actually make the request. Without this your request won't be sent. Also you want to read response in the callback function. constructor(pr...
task Task_Name; task Task_Name is Entries end; task body Task_Name is Declarations begin Code end;
The data dictionary views, also known as catalog views, let you monitor the state of the database in real time: The views prefixed with USER_, ALL_, and DBA_, show information about schema objects that are owned by you (USER_), accessible by you (ALL_) or accessible by a user with SYSDBA privile...
This section provides an overview of what audio is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within audio, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for audio is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
The regular expression used in the Decode URL examples was taken from RFC 2396, Appendix B: Parsing a URI Reference with a Regular Expression; for posterity, here's a quote: The following line is the regular expression for breaking-down a URI reference into its components. ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//(...

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