Tutorial by Topics

Connecting to Redis in Python requires the use of a client library. Many different client libraries exist for Python, but redis-py is one of the most popular clients in use. Once you install your client library, you can then access Redis in your application by importing the appropriate module, est...
Rust 1.15 added (stabilized) a new feature: Custom derive aka Macros 1.1. Now apart from usual PartialEq or Debug you can have #[deriving(MyOwnDerive)]. Two primary users of the feature is serde and diesel. Rust Book link: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/procedural-macros.html
The List datatype in Redis is an ordered collection of items referenced by a Redis key. Redis allows you to access and modify a list by index or push/pop operations. In Redis, the two ends of a list are referred to as the left and the right. The left corresponds to the first element or head of a ...
This section provides an overview of what openfire is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within openfire, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for openfire is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related t...
Redis supports a set datatype analogous to mathematical sets for modeling data in the database. Sets are a compound datatype consisting of a group of unique, unordered members. Sets support adding and removing members, size operations, as well as combination operations that take two sets and gener...
The Sorted Set datatype in Redis is an ordered version of the Set datatype. A Redis sorted set consists of a collection of unique members. Each member in the sorted set can be thought of as a pair consisting of the member and a score. The score is used to order the members within the set in ascen...
Redis provides a couple of mechanisms for extending the functionality of the database. One mechanism is through the use of server-side LUA scripts that can be executed to manipulate data. Lua scripts can be useful to perform expensive operations or to implement atomic operations that require logic...
This allows you to put a Web browser into your WPF application. A key point to note, which is not obvious from the documentation, and you could go for years without knowing is that it defaults to behaving like InternetExplorer7, rather than your most up-to-date InternetExplorer installation (s...
Algorithms are a backbone to computing. Making a choice of which algorithm to use in which situation distinguishes an average from good programmer. With that in mind, here are definitions and code examples of some of the basic algorithms out there.
In this topic, we'll look to explain how to Customise axes, titles and legends whilst using the ggplot2 library.
MessageBox is a simple concept for decoupling entities. For example entity A can place a message that entity B can read whenever suitable. A view controller would like to talk to another view controller, but you don't want to create a strong or weak relationship.
Inspired by game development UIPheonix is a super easy, flexible, dynamic and highly scalable UI framework + concept for building reusable component/control-driven apps for macOS, iOS and tvOS. The same API apply for cross platform development! Think of it as using Lego blocks, you can use similar o...
Parameterized Queries can be used to defend against SQL Injection attacks.
MKBlockQueue allows you to create a chain of blocks and execute them one after the other in a queue. Compared with NSOperation, with MKBlockQueue you decide yourself when a block is complete and when you want the queue to continue. You can also pass data from one block to the next. https://github.c...
This topic will teach you one of the many useful things to know in the scripting language, batch file; Adding a delay/pause/timeout to your batch file.
This section provides an overview of what opengl-es-2.0 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within opengl-es-2.0, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for opengl-es-2.0 is new, you may need to create initial versions of ...
Single Table Inheritance (STI) is a design pattern which is based on the idea of saving the data of multiple models which are all inheriting from the same Base model, into a single table in the database.
Finite States Machine concepts are usually implemented under Object Oriented Programming (OOP) languages, for example using Java language, based on the State pattern defined in GOF (refers to the book: "Design Patterns"). R provides several mechanisms to simulate the OO paradigm, let's ap...

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