Tutorial by Topics

One of the challenges I faced when I first started using SAS was not only passing Macro Variable data into a PROC SQL pass-through, but having it resolve properly if it needed quotes around it. When passing a string like value or date/datetime into a PROC SQL pass-through, it most likely needs to ha...
Inserting an image in a word document using OpenXml require two actions: add the image inside the openxml and refer to the image in your Document if you only add the image to the openxml structure without refering it in the Word Document, the next time you "open / save" your document...
There are several reasons you might come across for needing email capabilities in SAS. You could be sending an email to notify someone that a process passed/failed, you could be sending an email containing Macro Variables that show how many records have been loaded at the end of your data feed, or m...
Window subclassing is a way to hook up into standard window procedure and to modify or extend its default behavior. An application subclasses a window by replacing the the window's original window procedure with a new window procedure. This new window procedure receives any messages sent or posted t...
This section provides an overview of what teechart is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within teechart, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for teechart is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related t...
Using Macro Variables throughout your SAS programs is a basic functionality that every SAS programmer must be familiar with. Using Macro Variables can help you to keep your code simple and generic. Generic code is reusable code.
LINQ to Objects refers to the use of LINQ queries with any IEnumerable collection.
The intent of this topic to demonstrate some basic MIDI programs that show how to operate with the protocol and progressively add useful features that more complex applications require.
When laying out controls, it is easy to hard-code specific values in margins and paddings to make things fit the desired layout. However, by hard-coding these values, maintenance becomes much more expensive. If the layout changes, in what might be considered a trivial way, then a lot of work has to ...
adb shell opens a Linux shell in a target device or emulator. It is the most powerful and versatile way to control an Android device via adb. This topic was split from ADB (Android Debug Bridge) due to reaching the limit of examples, many of which were involving adb shell command. adb shell ...
MailboxProcessor maintains an internal message queue, where multiple producers can post messages using various Post method variants. These messages are then retrieved and processed by a single consumer (unless you implement it otherwise) using Retrieve and Scan variants. By default both producing...
This topic discusses how to map one-to-one type relationships using Entity Framework.
The topic discusses how you can map one-to-many and many-to-many relationships using Entity Framework Code First.
Difference Lists in Prolog denotes the concept to know the structure of a list up to a point. The remaining of the list can be left unbound until the complete evaluation of a predicate. A list where its end is unknown is referred as an open list, ended by a hole. This technique is especially useful ...
Integrate Firebase with Google AppScript to Read and Write Data in the Firebase Database. Firebase is a NoSQL database system by Google that uses realtime database to help create and host applications on mobile, desktop and tablet devices. NoSQL databases use the JSON objects to store the data in s...
This section provides an overview of what tfs2015 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within tfs2015, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for tfs2015 is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topi...

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