Tutorial by Topics

How to update a Many to Many relationship in EF Core:
PowerShell features a documentation mechanism called comment-based help. It allows documenting scripts and functions with code comments. Comment-based help is most of the time written in comment blocks containing multiple help keywords. Help keywords start with dots and identify help sections that w...
Accomplish some common design patterns in Bash
The Drop keyword can be used with various SQL objects, this topic provides quick examples of different usage with database objects. Links to MSDN. DROP TABLE (Transact-SQL) DROP PROCEDURE (Transact-SQL) DROP DATABASE (Transact-SQL)
VHDL types can be unresolved or resolved. The bit type declared by the std.standard package, for instance, is unresolved while the std_logic type declared by the ieee.std_logic_1164 package is resolved. A signal which type is unresolved cannot be driven (assigned) by more than one VHDL process whil...
This is a polynomial algorithm for getting the minimum vertex cover of connected undirected graph. The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n2) VariableMeaningGInput connected un-directed graphXSet of verticesCFinal set of vertices The first thing you have to do in this algorithm to get al...
We will use Google API Client Libraries for Python for this sample. There are other libraries. Please see Google Client Libraries Explained for details. We will use the Cloud Resource Manager API for Creating and Managing Projects. Let's get started. Putting it all together... If you follo...
Custom build steps are useful to run custom targets in your project build or for easily copying files so you don't have to do it manually (maybe dlls?). Here I'll show you two examples, the first is for copying dlls (in particular Qt5 dlls) to your projects binary directory (either Debug or Release...
How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS/SSL? We will deploy a 3 Nodes ReplicaSet in your local environment and we will use a self-signed certificate. Do not use a self-signed certificate in PRODUCTION. How to connect your Client to this ReplicaSet? We will connect a Mongo Shell. A descripti...
SCENARIO: ASP.NET Core background Angular 2 Front-End Angular 2 Components using Asp.net Core Controllers It way can implement Angular 2 over Asp.Net Core app. It let us call MVC Controllers from Angular 2 components too with the MVC result View supporting Angular 2.
Progress Bars are an integral part of user experience and helps users get an idea on the time left for a given process that runs on the GUI. This topic will go over the basics of implementing a progress bar in your own application. This topic will touch lightly on QThread and the new signals/slots ...
How to iterate over a simple JSON object and save a lot of typing You need to have Node.js and Pug installed
A preview of the difference between pug code and the generated markup Pug makes possible to write HTML in a simplest way, using a clean, whitespace sensitive syntax.
PHP Exceptions are thrown when an unprecedented event or error occurs. As a rule of thumb, an exception should not be used to control the application logic such as if-statements and should be a subclass of the Exception class. One main advantage of having all exceptions caught by a single class is...

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