Tutorial by Topics

A switch statement allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values. Each value is called a case, and the variable being switched on is checked for each switch case. It enables you to write a script that can choose from a series of options, but without requiring you to write a lo...
Serial ports are a common interface for communicating with external sensors or embedded systems such as Arduinos. Modern serial communications are often implemented over USB connections using USB-serial adapters. MATLAB provides built-in functions for serial communications, including RS-232 and RS-...
Unlike C/C++, Java is completely endian-neutral with respect to the underlying machine hardware. You do not get big or little endian behavior by default; you have to explicitly specify which behavior you want. The byte type is signed, with the range -128 to +127. To convert a byte value ...
IdentifierName [arguments] Call IdentifierName[(arguments)] [Let|Set] expression = IdentifierName[(arguments)] [Let|Set] IdentifierName[(arguments)] = expression ParameterInfoIdentifierNameThe name of the procedure to call.argumentsA comma-separated list of arguments to be passed to the p...
In order to use the Objective-C runtime, you need to import it. #import <objc/objc.h>
<element data-custom-name="somevalue"> ValueDescriptionsomevalueSpecifies the value of the attribute (as a string)


SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. SVG is used to define graphics for the Web The HTML <svg> element is a container for SVG graphics. SVG has several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and graphic images. SVG is an XML-based language for creating scalable vector ima...
React.createClass was deprecated in v15.5 and expected to be removed in v16. There is a drop-in replacement package for those that still require it. Examples using it should be updated.
for constant in sequence { statements } for constant in sequence where condition { statements } for var variable in sequence { statements } for _ in sequence { statements } for case let constant in sequence { statements } for case let constant in sequence where condition { statements } for c...
_ // wildcard pattern, matches anything¹ ident // binding pattern, matches anything and binds it to ident¹ ident @ pat // same as above, but allow to further match what is binded ref ident // binding pattern, matches anything and binds it to a reference ident¹ ref mut ident // binding pattern,...
CAGradientLayer() // Returns an initialized CALayer object. CAGradientLayer(layer: layer) // Override to copy or initialize custom fields of the specified layer. ParameterDetailscolorAn array of CGColorRef objects defining the color of each gradient stop. Animatable.locationsAn optional ar...
Summary A delegate type is a type representing a particular method signature. An instance of this type refers to a particular method with a matching signature. Method parameters may have delegate types, and so this one method to be passed a reference to another method, which may then be invoked...
ABAP is a programming language developed by SAP for programming business applications in the SAP environment. Previously only procedural, ABAP is now also an object-oriented language thanks to the ABAP Objects enhancement. VersionRelease DateABAP 7.502015-10-20ABAP 7.402012-11-29ABAP 7.02006-...
ClojureScript is a version of Clojure that compiles to javascript code and runs in the browser. While it is mostly the same as Clojure, there are a few differences (mainly, it lacks some api calls that invoke java functions that are not available in javascript)

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