Tutorial by Topics

structure: /* code */ endstructure; When mixing the alternative structure for switch with HTML, it is important to not have any whitespace between the initial switch($condition): and first case $value:. Doing this is attempting to echo something (whitespace) before a case. All control stru...
django-admin commandDetailsmakemigrations <my_app>Generate migrations for my_appmakemigrationsGenerate migrations for all appsmakemigrations --mergeResolve migration conflicts for all appsmakemigrations --merge <my_app>Resolve migration conflicts for my_appmakemigrations --name <migr...
Mirror(reflecting: instance) // Initializes a mirror with the subject to reflect mirror.displayStyle // Display style used for Xcode playgrounds mirror.description // Textual representation of this instance, see CustomStringConvertible mirror.subjectType // Returns the type of the subject being...
sails.js is an MVC (Model View Controller) web framework for node.js that emulates familiar MVC frameworks like Ruby on Rails. sails.js is based on Express and provides websocket support via socket.io. sails.js provides a set of conventions and default configurations to quickly get a new website ...
There are a few more tricks we can do with the router (such as restricting access), but those can be covered in a separate tutorial. If you need a new route, simply modify app.routes.ts and follow the following steps: Import the Component Add to the routes array. Make sure to include a new pa...
Every browser has a default set of CSS styles that it uses for rendering elements. These default styles may not be consistent across browsers because: the language specifications are unclear so base styles are up for interpretation, browsers may not follow specifications that are given, or browsers ...
This section provides an overview of what github is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within github, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for github is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
str.encode(encoding, errors='strict') bytes.decode(encoding, errors='strict') open(filename, mode, encoding=None) ParameterDetailsencodingThe encoding to use, e.g. 'ascii', 'utf8', etc...errorsThe errors mode, e.g. 'replace' to replace bad characters with question marks, 'ignore' to ignore...
When using CBV we often need to know exactly what methods we can overwrite for each generic class. This page of the django documentation lists all the generic classes with all of their methods flattened and the class attributes we can use. In addition, Classy Class Based View website provides th...
Interfaces in Go are just fixed method sets. A type implicitly implements an interface if its method set is a superset of the interface. There is no declaration of intent.
Parallelism is supported well by Rust's standard library through various classes such as the std::thread module, channels and atomics. This section will guide you through the usage of these types.
The __name__ special variable is used to check whether a file has been imported as a module or not, and to identify a function, class, module object by their __name__ attribute. The Python special variable __name__ is set to the name of the containing module. At the top level (such as in the i...
LineDescriptionshow();Shows the dialogsetContentView(R.layout.yourlayout);sets the ContentView of the dialog to your custom layout.dismiss()Closes the dialog The dialog in the first example(Dialog) does not need to call show() when it is created as it is handled in the constructor Alert...

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