Tutorial by Topics

typing.Callable[[int, str], None] -> def func(a: int, b: str) -> None typing.Mapping[str, int] -> {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} typing.List[int] -> [1, 2, 3] typing.Set[int] -> {1, 2, 3} typing.Optional[int] -> None or int typing.Sequence[int] ->...
Umbraco is an open source, MIT-Licensed .NET content management system. Initially created by Danish developer Niels Hartvig in 2000 as a hobby project, Umbraco was released as open source in 2004 and has since been developed and maintained continuously by a core team made up of paid Umbraco employ...
Silverstripe is an open source PHP content management system. A developer might want to use it because BSD License - meaning it can be rebranded as your own application Clean Object Oriented code very easy to understand and use - along with extend and customise Simple and powerful template en...
ActiveModel was created to extract the model behavior of ActiveRecord into a separate concern. This allows us to use ActiveModel behavior in any object, not just ActiveRecord models. ActiveRecord objects include all of this behavior by default.
In Component(s): props is an array of string literals or object references used to pass data from parent component. It can also be in object form when it is desired to have more fine grained control like specifying default values, type of data accepted, whether it is required or optional data h...
pip is the most widely-used package manager for the Python Package Index, installed by default with recent versions of Python. pip <command> [options] where <command> is one of: install Install packages uninstall Uninstall packages freeze Output installed pack...
Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3 forward [, Vector3 up]); Quaternion.AngleAxis(float angles, Vector3 axisOfRotation); float angleBetween = Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion rotation1, Quaternion rotation2);
Python 2 Docs: [https://docs.python.org/2/library/locale.html#locale.currency][1]
This section provides an overview of what razor is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within razor, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for razor is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Errors detected during execution are called exceptions and are not unconditionally fatal. Most exceptions are not handled by programs; it is possible to write programs that handle selected exceptions. There are specific features in Python to deal with exceptions and exception logic. Furthermore, exc...
Web scraping is an automated, programmatic process through which data can be constantly 'scraped' off webpages. Also known as screen scraping or web harvesting, web scraping can provide instant data from any publicly accessible webpage. On some websites, web scraping may be illegal. Useful P...
A makefile is a text file which controls the operation of the make program. The make program is typically used to manage the creation of programs from their source files, but it can be more generally used to handle any process where files (or targets) need to be regenerated after other files (or ...
Devise is a very powerful gem, it allows you to sign up, sign in and sign out options just after installing. Moreover user can add authentications and restrictions to its applications. Devise also come with its own views, if user wants to use. A user can also customize sign up and sign in forms acco...
It's up to clients of the class implementing IDisposable to make sure they call the Dispose method when they are finished using the object. There is nothing in the CLR that directly searches objects for a Dispose method to invoke. It's not necessary to implement a finalizer if your object...

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