Tutorial by Topics: actions

ActionScript 3 is the programming language for the Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR runtime environments. It is object-oriented ECMAScript based language used primary for native application development on desktop (Windows/Mac) and mobile (iOS/Android) devices. Adobe learning resources: http://ww...
A transaction is a logical unit of work containing one or more steps, each of which must complete successfully in order for the transaction to commit to the database. If there are errors, then all of the data modifications are erased and the database is rolled back to its initial state at the star...
add_action( tag, function_to_call, priority, num_of_args ); add_filter( tag, function_to_call, priority, num_of_args ); ParameterExplanation$tag(string) (Required) The name of the action to which the $function is hooked.$function(callable) (Required) Requires a string containing the functio...
Transactions are protective blocks where SQL statements are only permanent if they can all succeed as one atomic action. The classic example is a transfer between two accounts where you can only have a deposit if the withdrawal succeeded and vice versa. Transactions enforce the integrity of the da...
The Actions class gives us a way of emulating precisely how a user would interact with a web page/elements. Using an instance of this class you can describe a series of actions, such as clicking, double-clicking, dragging, pressing keys, etc. Once these actions are described, in order to carry the ...
When should you use SKActions to perform timer functions? Almost always. The reason for this is because Sprite Kit operates on an update interval, and the speed of this interval can be changed throughout the life time of the process using the speed property. Scenes can also be paused as well. ...
Typical use cases for autonomous transaction are. For building any kind of logging framework like the error logging framework explained in the above example. For auditing DML operations in triggers on tables irrespective of the final status of the transaction (COMMIT or ROLLBACK).
conn.Execute(sql, transaction: tran); // specify the parameter by name conn.Execute(sql, parameters, tran); conn.Query(sql, transaction: tran); conn.Query(sql, parameters, tran); await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, transaction: tran); // Async await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, parameters, tran); await ...
Actionscript formerly developed by Macromedia Inc., which now have been acquired by Adobe Systems Inc. is a powerful object-oriented programming language based on ECMAScript. Initially created with very limited set of navigation controls like play(), stop(), gotoAndPlay() etc., usually used for 2D...
<element [variableName]="value"></element> //Declaring input to child when using @Input() method. <element (childOutput)="parentFunction($event)"></element> //Declaring output from child when using @Output() method. @Output() pageNumberClicked = new Ev...
I don't think you need get_price(self) specially when you are not making any changes to the price variable. I would remove the method get_price since you can get the same value from the price under the product model. I could be wrong. Just don't see the value of get_price method here.
A deep understanding of how Transaction searches function is crucial knowledge for every NetSuite developer, but the default behaviour of these searches, and controlling that behaviour, can be quite confusing initially. References: NetSuite Help page: "Using Main Line in Transaction Se...
AppleScript is able to retrieve the URL of the current tab of a browser.
ActiveRecord Transactions are protective blocks where sequence of active record queries are only permanent if they can all succeed as one atomic action.
Share information between different directives and components.
Examples how to call bound and unbound actions. Note that in a bound function the full function name includes the namespace Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM. Functions that aren't bound must not use the full name.
Transactions provide a mechanism to coordinate between multiple parties that might be accessing the same data at the same time. These "parties" might be different instances of the same code like different users running the same application or nodes in a server cluster, parts of the same pr...

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