Tutorial by Topics: alv

There are many situations where it is useful to return several values from a function: for example, if you want to input an item and return the price and number in stock, this functionality could be useful. There are many ways to do this in C++, and most involve the STL. However, if you wish to avoi...
The __name__ special variable is used to check whether a file has been imported as a module or not, and to identify a function, class, module object by their __name__ attribute. The Python special variable __name__ is set to the name of the containing module. At the top level (such as in the i...
A partial view is a view that is rendered within another view. Partial views can be reused and thus prevent duplication of code. They can be rendered by Html.Partial or Html.RenderPartial @Html.Partial("ViewName") @Html.Partial("ViewName",ViewModel) @{Html.RenderPartial...
Superglobals are built-in variables that are always available in all scopes. Several predefined variables in PHP are "superglobals", which means they are available in all scopes throughout a script. There is no need to do global $variable; to access them within functions or methods. ...
Using the SWRevealViewController class as the main navigation might not always result in the best user experience. If the sidebar contains only 5 or less entries (or the content can be compressed into 5 or less entries), you should consider using the default tab bar. The tab bar is intuitive and ...
An overview of Bash's internal variables, where, how, and when to use them.
TO DO : Add more contents.
In this topic I would like to mention all possible global variables which can be used in Apex code. Like [UserInfo Class][1]. I suggest we just list a global classes/variables and links. If you know about a global class/variable but can't find a documentation, please provide as much informati...
Conditional variables are useful in cases where you want a thread to wait for something that happens in another thread. For instance, in a producer/consumer scenario with one or or more producing threads and one consuming thread, conditional variables can be used to signal the consuming thread that ...
By default, every variable in bash is global to every function, script and even the outside shell if you are declaring your variables inside a script. If you want your variable to be local to a function, you can use local to have that variable a new variable that is independent to the global scope ...

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