Tutorial by Topics: am

XMPP connections comprise two XML streams: one for ingress and one for egress. These streams are generally sent over the same TCP connection (although sometimes multiple connections may be used, especially for server-to-server connections) and share certain features for which negotiation is requi...
The filename AssemblyInfo.cs is used by convention as the source file where developers place metadata attributes that describe the entire assembly they are building.
Manages files. new System.IO.StreamWriter(string path) new System.IO.StreamWriter(string path, bool append) System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteLine(string text) System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(string text) System.IO.Stream.Close() System.IO.File.ReadAllText(string path) System.IO.File.ReadAll...
// Content size category constants UIContentSizeCategoryExtraSmall UIContentSizeCategorySmall UIContentSizeCategoryMedium UIContentSizeCategoryLarge UIContentSizeCategoryExtraLarge UIContentSizeCategoryExtraExtraLarge UIContentSizeCategoryExtraExtraExtraLarge // Accessibility sizes UIC...
XAML is used in Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows RT and UWP apps. Sharing code or converting code between these is sometimes harder than desirable due to subtle differences between the various XAML dialects. This topic strives to give an overview of these differences with a short explanation. ...
An example of how to use dependency injection in .net without using a container. Based on examples by Mark Seemann http://blog.ploeh.dk/
Java driver.switchTo().frame(String name); driver.switchTo().frame(String id); driver.switchTo().frame(int index); driver.switchTo().frame(WebElement frameElement); driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); C# driver.SwitchTo().Frame(int frameIndex); driver.SwitchTo().Frame(IWebElement frameEle...
Over the years, InnoDB has improved to the point where it is almost always better than MyISAM, at least the currently supported versions. Bottom line: Don't use MyISAM, except maybe for tables that are truly temporary. One advantage of MyISAM over InnoDB remains: It is 2x-3x smaller in space r...
Same-Origin policy is used by web browsers to prevent scripts to be able to access remote content if the remote address has not the same origin of the script. This prevents malicious scripts from performing requests to other websites to obtain sensitive data. The origin of two addresses is consider...
Dear Team, I think that its good to mention about official Android documentation where toolbar control is explained in details: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/widget/Toolbar.html There is also interested content about Android.Support.v7 library used in the sample: h...
#pragma omp parallel indicates that the following block shall be executed by all the threads. int omp_get_num_threads (void) : returns the number of the threads working on the parallel region (aka team of threads). int omp_get_thread_num (void) : returns the identifier of the calling t...

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