Tutorial by Topics: are

A PreparedStatement declares the statement before it is executed, and allows for placeholders for parameters. This allows the statement to be prepared (and optimized) once on the server, and then reused with different sets of parameters. The added benefit of the parameter placeholders, is that it...
(yield -- Allows you to export items from a component (hash -- Allows you to export a hash or object, since this is required to call child components within the parent's block. The requirement is that there is a . for the component to be created (component -- Creates the child component which c...
Remember, the Snapshot API is used to request current state while the Fence API continuously checks for a specified state and sends callbacks when an app isn't running. Overall, there are a few basic steps in order to use the Snapshot API or Fence API: Get an API key from the Google Develope...
Middleware are classes, that can be assigned to one or more route, and are used to make actions in the early or final phases of the request cycle. We can think of them as a series of layers an HTTP request has to pass through while it's executed A "Before" middleware will executes be...
var regExp = RegExp(r'^(.*)$', multiLine: true, caseSensitive: false); ParameterDetailsString sourceThe regular expression as a String{bool multiline}Whether this is a multiline regular expression. (matches ^ and $ at the beginning and end of each line individually not the whole String){bool...
git clone github.com/username/repository
$ shopt -u option # Deactivate Bash's built-in 'option' $ shopt -s option # Activate Bash's built-in 'option' Character Classes Valid character classes for the [] glob are defined by the POSIX standard: alnum alpha ascii blank cntrl digit graph lower print punct space upper word xdig...
Publishing a Release Track is actually pretty simple if you understand a) that the publish-release command requires a .json file as a parameter, and b) what that file looks like. That's definitely the biggest hurdle in getting started, because it's pretty much not documented anywhere. Just keep i...
caret is an R package that aids in data processing needed for machine learning problems. It stands for classification and regression training. When building models for a real dataset, there are some tasks other than the actual learning algorithm that need to be performed, such as cleaning the data, ...
Because regular expressions are limited to either a regular grammar or a context-free grammar, there are many common misuses of regular expressions. So in this topic there are a few example of when you should NOT use regular expressions, but use your favorite language instead. Some people, when...

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