Tutorial by Topics: as

Meteor.wrapAsync(func, [context]) ParametersDetailsfunc: FunctionAn asynchronous/synchronous function to be wrapped in a Fiber that takes a callback w/ parameters (error, result).context: Any (optional)A data context in which the function gets executed upon. An asynchronously wrapped funct...
This is an implementation of the Core Data Stack which is initially placed in the AppDelegate file if the project is created with Core Data when project is created. These functions can also implemented in separate class for CoreDataStack.swift. One of the major functions is to get the NSManagedObj...
This section provides an overview of what asp.net-mvc-4 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within asp.net-mvc-4, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for asp.net-mvc-4 is new, you may need to create initial versions of t...
pickle.dump(object,file,protocol) #To serialize an object pickle.load(file) #To de-serialize an object pickle.dumps(object, protocol) # To serialize an object to bytes pickle.loads(buffer) # To de-serialzie an object from bytes ParameterDetailsobjectThe object which is to ...
Ashley Entity System is an Entity System library that's managed under the LibGDX organization and is and well-suited for game development. It depends on LibGDX utility classes, but can be used with other Java game frameworks not based on LibGDX with some work. Entity systems provide a different ...
DB_URL = "jdbc:DBMS://DB_HOST:DB_PORT/DB_NAME" DBMS: Data Base Driver Manager, this can be any DBMS (mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, ...), exemple of mysql: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" DB_HOST: your database base host, the IP adress of your database exemple : 10.6.0...
Casting is not the same as Converting. It is possible to convert the string value "-1" to an integer value (-1), but this must be done through library methods like Convert.ToInt32() or Int32.Parse(). It cannot be done using casting syntax directly.
Forecasting and time-series analysis may be handled with commonplace functions from the stats package, such as glm() or a large number of specialized packages. The CRAN Task View for time-series analysis provides a detailed listing of key packages by topic with short descriptions.
cascade="all-delete-orphan" Entities has associations to other objects, this may be an association to a single item (many-to-one) or an association to a collection (one-to-many, many-to-any). At any rate, you are able to tell NHibernate to automatically traverse an entity's assoc...
MD5 and SHA1 are insecure and should be avoided. The examples exist for educational purposes and due to the fact that legacy software may still use these algorithms.
NUnit's Assert.That() form supports the use of constraints as its second parameter. All constraints provided out of the box by NUnit are available through the static classes Is, Has and Does. Constraints can be combined into fluent expressions using the built in methods And, Or and With. Expressio...
ParameterDetailsoriginThe starting point of the ray in world coordinatesdirectionThe direction of the raymaxDistanceThe max distance the ray should check for collisionslayerMaskA Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore Colliders when casting a ray.queryTriggerInteractionSpecifies where this q...
Type erasure is a set of techniques for creating a type that can provide a uniform interface to various underlying types, while hiding the underlying type information from the client. std::function<R(A...)>, which has the ability to hold callable objects of various types, is perhaps the best k...
The pandas official documentation includes a page on IO Tools with a list of relevant functions to read and write to files, as well as some examples and common parameters.

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