Tutorial by Topics: camera

ParameterDetailsCameraCaptureSessionA configured capture session for a CameraDevice, used for capturing images from the camera or reprocessing images captured from the camera in the same session previouslyCameraDeviceA representation of a single camera connected to an Android deviceCameraCharacter...
In iOS 10 Apple is extending the scope of privacy control. User need to ask the use permission before access the user private data in following key :Calendar,Contact,Reminder,Photo,Bluetooth Sharing,Microphone , Camera ,Location,Heath,HomeKit ,MediaLibrary,Motion,CallKit,Speech Recognition, SiriKit...
This document outlines how you can easily add some existing Camera Controls to your scene, as well as provide guidance on creating custom controls. Note, the pre-made control scripts can be found in the /examples/js/controls folder of the library.
The camera component defines from which perspective the user views the scene. The camera is commonly paired with controls components that allow input devices to move and rotate the camera. <a-entity camera></a-entity> <a-camera></a-camera> PropertyDescriptionacti...

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