Tutorial by Topics: cat

Sources The examples above are from lecture notes frome a lecture which was taught 2008 in Bonn, Germany. They in term are based on the book Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos:
In this topic we gonna make a HTTP-Header authenticate script.
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a client. When access control, i.e. authorization, is enabled, MongoDB requires all clients to authenticate themselves in order to determine their access. MongoDB supports a number of authentication mechanisms that clients can use to verify...
Universal Windows 10 App lifecycle consists of three different states: 1) Running - application is currentyl in use 2) Not running - application is closed and removed from the memory 3) Suspended - application state is frozen but it is still in memory [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]:...
Applicative is the class of types f :: * -> * which allows lifted function application over a structure where the function is also embedded in that structure. Definition class Functor f => Applicative f where pure :: a -> f a (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f ...
In iOS 10 Apple is extending the scope of privacy control. User need to ask the use permission before access the user private data in following key :Calendar,Contact,Reminder,Photo,Bluetooth Sharing,Microphone , Camera ,Location,Heath,HomeKit ,MediaLibrary,Motion,CallKit,Speech Recognition, SiriKit...
At certain points, you will be evaluating a range of data and you will need to locate the duplicates in it. For bigger data sets, there are a number of approaches you can take that use either VBA code or conditional functions. This example uses a simple if-then condition within two nested for-next l...
Scala allows you to use dynamic invocation when calling methods or accessing fields on an object. Instead of having this built deep into the language, this is accomplished through rewriting rules similar to those of implicit conversions, enabled by the marker trait [scala.Dynamic][Dynamic scaladoc]....
This manual contains the various ways in which portlet can co-ordinate or communicate amongst each other and the various scenarios for which a particular approach is used. References: Public render param JSR 286 specs Portlet session
We know that spring-boot by default runs using H2 database. In this article, we will see how to tweak the default configuration to work with MySQL database. As a pre-requisite, make sure that MySQL is already running on port 3306 and has your database created.
This section provides an overview of what push-notification is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within push-notification, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for push-notification is new, you may need to create initial ...
Whenever you have a problem in your code, it is always a good idea to know what is going on inside. The class System.Diagnostics.Debug in .Net Framework will help you a lot in this task. The first advantage of the Debug class is that it produces code only if you build your application in Debug mode...
When creating a performant and data-driven application, it can be very helpful to complete time-intensive tasks in an asynchronous manner and to have multiple tasks running concurrently. This topic will introduce the concept of using ThreadPoolExecutors to complete multiple ansynchronous tasks concu...
In ASP.NET MVC, the views are placed by default in the Views folder. Sometimes you want to change this locations and store the views somewhere else.
We may use QML to build hybrid applications, since it's much more easier than C++. So we should know how they communicate with each other.

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