Tutorial by Topics: co

let variableName: VariableType; function functionName(parameterName: VariableType, parameterWithDefault: VariableType = ParameterDefault, optionalParameter?: VariableType, ...variardicParameter: VariableType[]): ReturnType { /*...*/};
WooCommerce is an eCommerce plugin for the WordPress CMS. It is the most popular eCommerce software on the internet, used to power about 39% of all eCommerce websites at time of writing. It's greatest strength is it's ease of use for shop owners and high flexibility for developers allowing it to...
UISearchController(searchResultsController: UIViewController?) // Pass nil as the parameter if the search updating controller also displays the searchable content. func updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) // Required method to implement when adopting the UISearchResults...
Action Controller is the C in MVC. After the router has determined which controller to use for a request, the controller is responsible for making sense of the request and producing the output. The controller will receive the request, fetch or save data from a model and use a view to create output....
Json.Decode exposes two functions to decode a payload, first one is decodeValue which tries to decode a Json.Encode.Value, the second one is decodeString which tries to decode a JSON string. Both function take 2 parameters, a decoder and a Json.Encode.Value or Json string.
Official documentation Content Scripts Content Security Policy > Content Scripts
Attribute types include: Undefined, Integer 16, Integer 32, Integer 64, Decimal, Double, Float, String, Boolean, Date, Binary, Data, or Transformable When defining an Entity as abstract you won't be creating any instances of that entity. For example a Person would be abstract and a Emp...
Parameter NameDescriptionactivityItemsContains array of object to perform the activity. This array must not be nil and must contain at least one object.applicationActivitiesAn array of UIActivity objects representing the custom services that your application supports. This parameter can be nil. ...
The product flavors support the same properties as defaultConfig this is because defaultConfig actually belongs to the ProductFlavor class. This means you can provide the base configuration for all flavors in the defaultConfig {} block, and each flavor can override any of these default values, suc...

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