Tutorial by Topics: co

Fortran files come under a variety of extensions and each of them have a separate meaning. They specify the Fortran release version, code formatting style and the usage of preprocessor directives similar to C programming language.
How to install TypeScript and run the TypeScript compiler against a .ts file from the command line.
Way to show how Node.Js can communicate with Arduino Uno.
creating your first .tsconfig configuration file which will tell the TypeScript compiler how to treat your .ts files
Visual Studio is a open Source IDE which provides intellisense and editing facility for code .This IDE supports many languages like(Ionic ,C, C# ,AngularJs, TypeScript ,Android and so on) . These languages are able to execute there code by adding its Extensions in VSCode. By using VSCode we able to ...
Inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms allow different independent processes to communicate with each other. Standard C does not provide any IPC mechanisms. Therefore, all such mechanisms are defined by the host operating system. POSIX defines an extensive set of IPC mechanisms; Windows def...
The GNU compiler offers various levels of optimizations for the compilation process. These optimizations are used to improve the code performance and/or code size. Compiling a code with optimizations on, typically takes longer to complete. This command tells you what optimizations are available on ...
Coalesce returns the first none null argument from a set of arguments. Only the first non null argument is return, all subsequent arguments are ignored. The function will evaluate to null if all arguments are null.
tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files. The tee command is named after the T-splitter in plumbing, which splits water into two directions and is shaped like an uppercase T. tee copies data from standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output. In effect, tee ...
Getting started guide using Sass exentsion Compass. Compass is very useful when dealing with CSS3 as it provides mixins to write 1 line in order to support every browser using CSS3 features. It is also great to include sprite images.
As AppDynamics aims to provide a way to measure application performance, speed of development, delivery (deployment) of applications is an essential factor in making DevOps efforts a true success. Monitoring a TIBCO BW application with AppD is generally simple and not time consuming but when deploy...
Instead of defining all of your request handling logic as Closures in route files, you may wish to organise this behaviour using Controller classes. Controllers can group related request handling logic into a single class. Controllers are stored in the app/Http/Controllers directory by default. ...
Accept-Encoding tells the server what encoding the client accepts. Encoding is mostly used for compression. Accept-Encoding: Encoding;QualityFactor Accept-Encoding: Encoding;QualityFactor, type;QualityFactor, type;QualityFactor, ... ParameterDescriptionEncodingThe type of encoding to u...
In this topic, you will learn how to modify Contact and Address information through code on different screens inside Acumatica.
Basically Dropzone is lightweight librery for uploading files. t you can use to build your user own interface.The main feature of Dropzone is its events that you can listen to, so you can react to every change. you can easily Configuring with Angular 2
A correlation plot can be regarded as a subcategory of heatmaps. An out-of-the box seaborn heatmap shows the correlation between two variables twice. A correlation plot should handle duplicated values by masking parts of the map, and / or let the masked part show values instead of colors. A bar ch...
In this section i will add an example for the Spring boot rest controller with Get and post request.
Codable is added with Xcode 9, iOS 11 and Swift 4. Codable is used to make your data types encodable and decodable for compatibility with external representations such as JSON. Codable use to support both encoding and decoding, declare conformance to Codable, which combines the Encodable and Decoda...
Tastypie is a webservice API framework for Django. It provides a convenient, yet powerful and highly customizable abstraction for creating REST-style interfaces. Tastypie makes exposing your models easy, but gives you full control over what you expose, letting you abstract away the database as much ...

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