Tutorial by Topics: co

include Comparable implement the space-ship operator (<=>) ParameterDetailsotherThe instance to be compared to self x <=> y should return a negative number if x < y, zero if x == y and a positive number if x > y.
AR is perfect when you need to delete, update or create one or more records sequentially. Its support of dirty attributes (saving only what was really changed) results in optimized UPDATE statements which lifts the load from database significantly and reduces chances for various conflicts connecte...
All algorithms are a list of steps to solve a problem. Each step has dependencies on some set of previous steps, or the start of the algorithm. A small problem might look like the following: This structure is called a directed acyclic graph, or DAG for short. The links between each node in ...
xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"       // namespace declaration
To select rows with out duplicates change the WHERE clause to "RowCnt = 1" To select one row from each set use Rank() instead of Sum() and change the outer WHERE clause to select rows with Rank() = 1
bool supported = document.execCommand(commandName, showDefaultUI, valueArgument) commandIdvalue⋮ Inline formatting commands backColorColor value Stringbold createLinkURL StringfontNameFont family namefontSize"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6&q...
/* Comment */ Comments in CSS always start with /* and end with */ Comments cannot be nested
Swift 3.0 DispatchQueue.main // Get the main queue DispatchQueue(label: "my-serial-queue", attributes: [.serial, .qosBackground]) // Create your own private serial queue DispatchQueue.global(attributes: [.qosDefault]) // Access one of the global concurrent queues D...
Management commands are powerful and flexible scripts that can perform actions on your Django project or the underlying database. In addition to various default commands, it's possible to write your own! Compared to regular Python scripts, using the management command framework means that some tedi...
Serial.begin(speed) // Opens the serial port on the given baud rate Serial.begin(speed, config) Serial[1-3].begin(speed) // Arduino Mega only! When writing 1-3 it means you can choose between the numbers 1 to 3 when choosing the serial port. Serial[1-3].begin(speed, config) // Arduino Mega onl...
define ( string $name , mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive = false ] ) const CONSTANT_NAME = VALUE; Constants are used to store the values that are not supposed to be changed later. They also are often used to store the configuration parameters especially those which define the environ...
Core Data is a framework in Apple’s various OS SDK including, but not limited to iOS and OS X. It has two major roles a model layer and a persistence layer. The model layer is used in the management of model objects and persist data. Simply you can store and manage data in an object-oriented inte...
Decorator pattern allows a user to add new functionality to an existing object without altering its structure. This type of design pattern comes under structural pattern as this pattern acts as a wrapper to existing class. This pattern creates a decorator class which wraps the original class and pr...
Umbraco is an open source, MIT-Licensed .NET content management system. Initially created by Danish developer Niels Hartvig in 2000 as a hobby project, Umbraco was released as open source in 2004 and has since been developed and maintained continuously by a core team made up of paid Umbraco employ...
In Component(s): props is an array of string literals or object references used to pass data from parent component. It can also be in object form when it is desired to have more fine grained control like specifying default values, type of data accepted, whether it is required or optional data h...

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