Tutorial by Topics: datatype

The 8 primitive data types byte, short, int, long, char, boolean, float, and double are the types that store most raw numerical data in Java programs. int aInt = 8; // The defining (number) part of this int declaration is called a literal. int hexInt = 0x1a; // = 26; You can define literals...
While char is required to be 1 byte, 1 byte is not required to be 8 bits (often also called an octet), even though most of modern computer platforms define it as 8 bits. The implementation's number of bits per char is provided by the CHAR_BIT macro, defined in <limits.h>. POSIX does requir...
Every data type in erlang is called Term. It is a generic name that means any data type.
dtypes are not native to pandas. They are a result of pandas close architectural coupling to numpy. the dtype of a column does not in any way have to correlate to the python type of the object contained in the column. Here we have a pd.Series with floats. The dtype will be float. Then we use as...
BOOL havePlutonium = YES;    // Direct assigment BOOL fastEnough = (car.speedInMPH >= 88);    // Comparison expression BOOL fluxCapacitorActive = (havePlutonium && fastEnough);    // Boolean expression   id somethingWicked = [witchesCupboard lastObject];    // Retrieve untyped obje...
official documentation: Datatypes In SQLite Version 3
This section discusses the data types that SQL Server can use, including their data range, length, and limitations (if any.)

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