Tutorial by Topics: fi

public static GameObject Find(string name); public static GameObject FindGameObjectWithTag(string tag); public static GameObject[] FindGameObjectsWithTag(string tag); public static Object FindObjectOfType(Type type); public static Object[] FindObjectsOfType(Type type); Which method to...
The ^M character stands for a carriage return in Vim (<c-m> or just <CR>). Vim displays this character when at least on line in the file uses LF line endings. In other words, when Vim consider a file to have fileformat=unix but some lines do have carriage returns (CR), the carriage r...
Firebase is a mobile and web application platform with tools and infrastructure designed to help developers build high-quality apps. Features Firebase Cloud Messaging, Firebase Auth, Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Hosting, Firebase Test Lab for Android, Firebase Crash Reporting. ...
Spring has made it so that configuring an ApplicationContext is extremely flexible. There are numerous ways to apply each type of configuration, and they can all be mixed and matched together nicely. Java configuration is a form of explicit configuration. A @Configuration annotated class is use...
ParametersColumnjasperPrintThe output of the fill process that can be exported to desired formatreportTemplateThe compiled design file .jasperparametersThe parameter Map, that if defined can be references inside report by $P{key}datasourceA net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSourceconnectionA databa...
Figwheel automatically rebuilds your clojurescript code when source files change and reloads code in browser. Reload works without refreshing page and you can preserve some of app's state between reloads by using defonce. It is alternative to REPL-based development (although it includes REPL too)...
gnuplot -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ... Basic usage can be displayed by typing gnuplot -h $ gnuplot -h Usage: gnuplot [OPTION] ... [FILE] -V, --version -h, --help -p --persist -d --default-settings -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ... -e "command1; command2; ..." gnupl...
Parameter NameUse ForsearchStringthe string to be found in the file name
Git Large File Storage (LFS) aims to avoid a limitation of the Git version control system, that it performs poorly when versioning large files, especially binaries. LFS solves this problem by storing the contents of such files on an external server, then instead committing just a text pointer to t...

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