Tutorial by Topics: image

A 9-patch image file is a specially formatted file so that Android knows which areas/portions of the image can or cannot be scaled. It breaks your image into a 3x3 grid. The corners remain unscaled, the sides are scaled in one direction and the center is scaled in both dimensions. A Nine Patch ...
<img src="" alt=""> ParametersDetailssrcSpecifies the URL of the imagesrcsetImages to use in different situations (e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc)sizesImage sizes between breakpointscrossoriginHow the element handles crossorigin requestsusemapN...
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg) ![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title") ![Alt text][id] ... intervening content ... [id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Optional title" The syntax for images is the same as that for links, but with an exclamation mark ! in front o...
ParameterDetails--pullEnsures that the base image (FROM) is up-to-date before building the rest of the Dockerfile.
Apple developer topic for UIImage
Gaussian Blur Syntax C++: void GaussianBlur(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize, double sigmaX, double sigmaY=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT ) Parameters of Gaussian BlurDetailssrcInput image, the image can have any number of channels, which are processed independently, but the dep...
Acceptable URI examples: "http://www.example.com/image.png" // from Web "file:///mnt/sdcard/image.png" // from SD card "file:///mnt/sdcard/video.mp4" // from SD card (video thumbnail) "content://media/external/images/media/13" // from content provider ...
UIImagePickerController provides an almost out of the box solution to allow the user to select an image from their device or take a picture with the camera and then present that image. By conforming to the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, you can create logic that specifies in your app how to presen...
This section provides an overview of what image-processing is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within image-processing, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for image-processing is new, you may need to create initial vers...
//Using background-position background: url("sprite-image.png"); background-position: -20px 50px; //Background property shorthand background: url("sprite-image.png") -20px 50px; For some use cases, sprites are slowly falling out of favor, being replaced by icon webfo...
See also I/O for Raster Images
<img usemap="#[map-name]"> <map name="[map-name]"></map> <area> Tag/AttributeValue<img>Below are the image map-specific attributes to use with <img>. Regular <img> attributes apply.usemapThe name of the map with a hash symbol pr...
Subtype attributes 'Image and 'Value will take, respectively, a scalar value and a string and they return, respectively, a string and a scalar value. The result of 'Image can be input to 'Value to get the original value. The converse is also true. The __Scalar_Object__'Image attribute can be used d...

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